Find Quotes by W. Edwards Deming (Including the Source)

By John Hunter, founder of

We have added a new web application for quotes by W. Edwards Deming. We hope this will be of use to people searching for quotes by Dr. Deming.

screen shot of W. Edwards Deming Quotes application

The quotes are viewable by category, such as: leadership, managing people, systems thinking and data.

We provide the source for the quotes, when we have sources. For some of the quotes, we also provide comments and links to further information on the topic of the quote.

You may search the W. Edwards Deming quotes database.

We also provide quotes Dr. Deming attributed to others, with proper credit and sources provided.

You may also view the all the quotes selected from Out of the Crisis, The New Economics and The Essential Deming.

We continue to add quotes to the database, add sources as we find them, add categories/topics, and add quotes to appropriate categories. Please send us your suggestions: quotes (with sources), suggested categories to add or categories to link specific quotes to.

The W. Edwards Deming Institute continues to add new services to achieve our aim: “to foster an understanding of The Deming System of Profound Knowledge® (SoPK) to advance commerce, prosperity and peace.” We hope this new quotes application will be useful. Other additions we have delivered in the last few years, include: this blog, The W. Edwards Deming Institute Podcast series, making W. Edwards Deming Videos Available On Demand via the internet and The W. Edwards Deming Twitter account.

Related: The W. Edward Deming Institute Launches a New Podcast SeriesOnline Resources for W. Edwards Deming’s Management IdeasFirst post on the W. Edwards Deming Institute Blog

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