Dr. Deming published more than 170 articles over his lifetime, wrote numerous unpublished papers for students and clients, and conducted hundreds of studies. These and other writings are in the National Archives in The Library of Congress (LOC) in Washington, DC. Access to the collection is restricted and controlled by the LOC – please contact them for permission to view the archive.
In this article Dr. Deming focuses on the crisis of Western Industry and some of the actions that management can take to overcome the crisis. A discussion of how the declining market exposes weaknesses is followed by a list of some of the forces that feed the decline. Dr. Deming includes remarks on evaluation of performance, use of visible figures, and other obstacles. Modern principles of leadership are put forth, along with a condensation of the 14 points for management.
This six-page article is in Volume 7 of Handbook of Statistics, edited by P. R. Krishnaiah and C. R. Rao (Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (1988), pp 1-6.
The purpose of Dr. Deming’s paper is to point out to statisticians the necessity that they be the logicians and architects of a survey or experiment. Statisticians need to classify the responsibilities in the planning, execution, and interpretation of the results. The paper also points out some principles for guidance. Five sections cover (1) The Universe, the Frame, and the Equal Complete Coverage; (2) Operational Definition of the Expected Value and of the Standard Error; (3) Classification of Uncertainties, and Responsibilities for Reducing Them; (4) Operational Definitions of the Bias and of the Accuracy of a Technique; and (5) Examples of Statistical Reports.
This 19 page article was published in the Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, Vol. XXXVIII, Part IV, Tokyo 1961, 365-383.
Dr. Deming wrote this article to offer some observations on the causes of success in Japan, from the viewpoint of the statistical control of quality. He believed that appreciation of what happened in Japan might lead to successful programs in other parts of the world. This paper describes the nine reasons Dr. Deming credited for the success and speed of application of the statistical control of quality in Japan. He also translates into action the definition of statistical control, discusses his lectures to top management, and writes about the power and limitations of statistical techniques.
This five-page article appeared in Industrial Quality Control, Volume 24, No. 2, in August 1967 and was dedicated to his friend and colleague, Walter A. Shewhart, who had recently died.