19th Annual International Deming Research Seminar


Experts in healthcare and education, as well as practitioners in prison systems, governments, manufacturing, and service industries will reveal their findings for the first time in two days of presentations, exchanges, and roundtables with other academics and practitioners who gather from around the world to share their ideas and explore Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s theory of management in a wide-ranging context. The forum is The 19th Annual International Deming Research Seminar, February 25-26 in NYC.

Be among the first to learn about a new direction for healthcare team-patient interaction at the clinical level from Dr. Robert Tripicchio, president and CEO of Community Physical Therapy & Associates.

Witness implementation of Deming’s ideas in a state prison system, one of the harshest environments known, shared by Sgt. Jon-Michael Parker from the Maine State Prison System.

Hear the latest ideas on the use of incentives, sustaining company success, performance management systems, enhancing commerce, teams, appraisals, measurement systems, fear, trust, ethics, and leadership.

This program is sponsored by The W. Edwards Deming Institute, Fordham University, and The Deming Cooperative.


Guillermo Granados
Quality Assurance In The Strategy Process

Wally Hauck
Stop The Leadership Malpractice: How To Replace The Typical Performance Appraisal

Charu Hurria
Do We ‘Really’ Need A Performance Management System In Organizations?

Thomas F. Kelly
14 More Points

Chu-hua Kuei
Do New Organizational Analysis Models Challenge Deming’s Theory Of System Management?

Phil Landesberg
New Insights Into Applying Dr. Deming’s Theory To End Political Gridlock

Jan Myszewski
On Syndrome Of Depressed Resistance To Variability

Jon-Michael Parker, William J. Feuss, Michael Rubell
Deming In Prison: What Happened?

Conference Schedule:

Monday, February 25, 2013
8:00am-9:00am Registration, Continental Breakfast
9:00am-11:00am – Plenary Session
11:20am-1:00pm – Breakout Session
1:00pm-2:00pm – Lunch
2:00pm-3:40pm – Breakout Session
4:00pm-5:40pm – Breakout Session

Tuesday, February 26, 2013
8:00am-8:30am Registration, Continental Breakfast
8:30am-9:30am – Roundtable Discussion
9:45am-11:00pm – Plenary Session
11:20am-1:00pm – Breakout Session
1:00pm-2:00pm – Lunch
2:00pm-3:40pm – Breakout Session
3:40pm-5:00pm – City Skylight Reception & Research Exchange

At A Glance
Monday, February 25, 2013 throughMonday, February 25, 2013
Fordham University New York, New York
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