The Deming Management Method for Owners and Executives


The Deming Management Method for Owners and Executives


June 12 – 14, 2014 : Hong Kong

In partnership with The W. Edwards Deming Institute®, The Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA) proudly presents their 25th Anniversary “Management Guru Seminar Series” – The Deming Management Method for Owners and Executives.

Why Attend and What Will I learn: Dr. Deming’s philosophy removes barriers, increases efficiencies, reduces wasted time, boosts motivation, and provides better insight into what is actually going on in the organization and the real capabilities of the organization. Thus, a meaningful focus can be brought to bear on innovation, planning and competitiveness. You may already know about Deming Quality – now take the opportunity to learn and apply Deming-based leadership. You will also enjoy even more benefits as you learn and apply the 4 key components of Deming-based Leadership:

  1. Understanding VARIATION helps you to analyze which outcomes and behaviors are caused by the system in which people work – and which are not. This concept is a game changer for profitability.
  2. Understanding how to use PSYCHOLOGY to bring out the intrinsic motivation of your employees rather than trying to manipulate them with incentives and rewards (and punishments).
  3. “THEORY OF KNOWLEDGE” means a) learning to use a simple technique to improve how people learn, and b) knowing that experience (by itself without a clear and solid theory for action) not only lacks meaning and usefulness, it causes dangerous inconsistencies, erodes purpose, and puts organizations at risk. No other known management method includes this component, yet it is easy to learn and apply.
  4. Understanding how to LEAD AN ORGANIZATION AS A SYSTEM results in greater effectiveness and efficiency. Deming’s comprehensive and internally consistent methods are practical and immediately implementable. Knowing “what to do” is not enough. Learning the “how to do” makes the difference.

Dr. Deming strongly believed in asking good questions. He asked questions to start people thinking differently and seeking new knowledge. Indeed, Dr. Deming changed the world by asking (and answering) key questions about quality. Here are a few paraphrased examples:

  • What could we do to increase quality as we drive down costs? …Why wouldn’t we want to do that in sensible ways?
  • Why do leaders think they can improve quality through quotas, targets and standards? Is it really so difficult to see that such things merely create conflicting objectives, cause cheating, and erode trust? Looking at a little data would show they do not improve quality nor reduce costs in sustainable ways.
  • Don’t we have to get better? Why wouldn’t we want our suppliers to help us with that? Shouldn’t we treat them as partners –and vice versa? What is wrong with win/win?

Deming’s innovative questions (and answers) led to a revolution in how to increase quality while driving down costs. Effectiveness AND efficiency resulted. During the rest of his life Dr. Deming went on to ask and answer questions about how we lead and manage organizations.

  • If workers within an organization cooperated with one another rather than being forced to compete against one another, wouldn’t the organization be more successful?
  • Where is the evidence that shows that the cobbling together a bunch of so-called best management practices assures organizational success and longevity?
  • Why do leaders seem to want to add needless complexity to their already complex jobs? Does it really help them achieve their aim?
  • Why are leaders taught to spend so much time on “the numbers” and control? Why aren’t they taught that enumerative data alone will mislead and obscure? Spreadsheets must be viewed through a lens of insight with consistent, reliable, repeatable ways to assess the data.

The Deming Institute seminars continue the Deming tradition of asking thought provoking questions in our seminars. We do this because having provocative and practical questions lead to more robust discussions and answers – and to stronger, more prosperous organizations in which owners, leaders, workers, suppliers, customers, and communities benefit.

Seminar Outline:

See the attached PDF for information on the 2 ½ days, detailed discussion topics and seminar outcomes. Who Should Attend: This seminar is geared to Owners and Executives, but we encourage them to bring their management team, executives from their suppliers and other organizations they work with to learn alongside them.

Who are the Deming Institute Trained Facilitators:

This signature seminar developed by The Deming Institute will feature Deming Institute trained facilitators Kelly Allan and John Hunter.

Interview with the President of The Deming Institute, Kevin Edwards Cahill

The attached PDF interview is from the 28 March HKQAA eNewsletter and covers a number of questions on the application of the Deming Management Method and its benefits

Seminar Pricing: HK$13,000 per head (members of supporting organizations can enjoy the preferential rate of HK$11,800 per seat) Approximate US Currency conversion: HK$13,000 = approximately $1,675 USD HK$11,800 = approximately $1,520 USD

Seminar Schedule: Thursday, June 12th: 9:30a – 5:30p Friday, June 13th: 9:30a – 5:30p Saturday, June 14th: 9:30a – 12:30p



At A Glance
Thursday, June 12, 2014 throughSaturday, June 14, 2014
Hong Kong
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