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*plus tax, if applicable


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Hundreds of hours of audio/video courses taught by Deming experts


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Interviews with leaders using Deming to cut costs and grow their businesses


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Comprehensive, interactive online courses.

Engaging and expansive educational content with which you will learn how to transform your company culture, cut costs, and improve revenue using the Deming leadership methods.

“I’m relatively new to Deming and I wish I had this resource at the time we started our school. There’s a real depth to DemingNEXT™ that provides a roadmap for our team.”

Mukendi (Kas) Kasongo

Les Ecoles Des Flamboyants

Created by the leading experts on The Deming Philosophy.

Subject matter experts develop and review all our courses and learning pathways, so every industry, community, organization, or individual can benefit from the highest quality Deming content available.

“DemingNEXT™ brings Dr. Deming’s teachings together for a whole new generation. The case studies and diversity of experts and practitioners demonstrate how applicable and dynamic the Deming lens is. My MBA and Executive MBA students are amazed at the timelessness of the philosophy. They can easily take this back to their teams and companies.”

Brian Hwarng

Professor of Analytics and Operations, NUS Business School (Singapore)

Exclusive access to dynamic content only available on DemingNEXT™.

Our innovative and easy-to-use learning environment offers an ever-expanding library of dynamic content options including comprehensive courses, learning pathways, articles, interviews, case studies, videos, and more.

“DemingNEXT is the most convenient, modern, and engaging way to learn about the timeless Deming leadership principles.”

Raechel Rowland

Regional Director of Process and Performance Improvement, McLaren Healthcare (Michigan)


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