A Look Back At 2023 – Our 30th Anniversary Year

It’s time to take a look back at our 30th Anniversary Year. For the first two decades of our history, passionate volunteers were the driving force behind the Institute. As we celebrate 30 years of service, we are profoundly grateful for the remarkable partners, enthusiastic volunteers, and generous donors within the Deming community who have played an instrumental role in our journey.

Today, we are well-positioned to sustain the Institute’s impact for the next 30 years and beyond. Through initiatives like DemingNEXT, we are reaching the next generation of learners and leaders, ensuring that Dr. Deming’s principles continue to inspire and transform. As we move forward, our commitment to continual improvement remains steadfast.

We invite you to take a look at the 2023 Annual Report to learn about:

  • two new board trustees
  • PDSA for the 2-Day Seminar
  • scholarship recipient stories
  • new and popular DemingNEXT courses
  • financial highlights
  • and more!

You can view the full report here.

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