John Hunter

Green crops in rows with a sunrise sky above them.

Bees, Ants, Elephants, and Crops: Systemic Thinking for Innovation

By John Hunter / September 27, 2022 / 0 Comments

In this guest post by John Hunter, he explores how using Deming systemic thinking leads to innovation, when the urge to “just do what we’ve always done” is strong.

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Old fashioned rotary phone with the receiver off ot the left, attached by a cord.

The Focus of Customer Service

By John Hunter / September 14, 2022 / 0 Comments

In this guest post, John Hunter uses his recent frustrating customer service experience to explore why Deming’s approach to customers, continual improvement, and determining your AIM is better for everyone.

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White board with red and blue lines criss crossing and connecting small blocks of text in different languages.

Long Term Planning: Considering Climate Change

By John Hunter / August 18, 2022 / 2 Comments

In this guest post, John Hunter explores the problem of including – or not including – the impact of climate change in your long-term business plans.

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Series of wooden gears in a horizontal line, each held by a person's fingers.

Why Did the Management System Allow the Failure?

By John Hunter / August 8, 2022 / 0 Comments

In this guest post, John Hunter explores the questions management should ask when there’s a failure or problem, rather than blaming an individual.

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Image of Deming Chain Reaction - text: Improve Quality —> Costs decrease because of less rework, fewer mistakes, fewer delays, snags, better use of machine-time and materials —> Productivity Improves —> Capture the market with better quality and lower price —> Stay in Business —> Provide jobs and more jobs

Using Customer Feedback to Drive Continual Improvement

By John Hunter / July 18, 2022 / 0 Comments

In this guest post, John Hunter focuses on how improving the quality of your products or services cuts costs.

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image with text - Deming’s First Theorem: “Nobody gives a hoot about profits.”

Russell Ackoff: Solving Problems with an Appreciation for Systems

By John Hunter / July 5, 2022 / 0 Comments

In this guest post, John Hunter revisits a 2004 video of Russell Ackoff, and the lessons we can still learn from him.

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Flag of Great Britain

Systems Thinking for Civil Servants

By John Hunter / June 21, 2022 / 0 Comments

In this guest post, John Hunter reviews the Systems Thinking for Civil Servants resource from the UK Government Office for Science and connects it to the Deming philosophy.

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photo of Eizaburo Nishibori, W. Edwards Deming and Sigeiti Moriguti

Some New Principles of Management: Deming’s 1978 Speech in Tokyo

By John Hunter / June 2, 2022 / 0 Comments

In this guest post, John Hunter pulls a few excerpts from Dr. Deming’s 1978 speech in Tokyo and connects them to Deming’s later work refining his ideas.

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Woman's face with medical icons next to her, including 2 pills, a heart, a pill bottle, a cross, and others.

Transforming Resident Assessment with Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge

By John Hunter / May 23, 2022 / 1 Comment

In this guest post John Hunter reviews “Transforming Resident Assessment: An Analysis Using Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge” and discusses how evaluations often lead to bad data.

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Russ Ackoff Lecture on the Age of Systems

By John Hunter / May 12, 2022 / 0 Comments

This Russ Ackoff lecture, from the late 1970s, focuses on the age of systems. The nearly 2-hour lecture spans the development of science and scientific thinking while exploring topics such as philosophy, psychology, our ways of thinking, religion, history, physics, linguistics, and more.

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