Deming on Management: Joy in Work

Guest post by John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004).

This is the seventh post in our Deming on Management series. This series provides resources for those interested in learning more about particular topics related to W. Edwards Deming’s ideas. View our previous Deming on Management posts, including: Leadership, Appreciation for a System and the PDSA Cycle.

Joy in work is likely not the first thing that comes to mind when people think of W. Edwards Deming’s ideas on management. But this concept is as important as any of the others. Statistical tools are critical to help understand and evaluate continual improvement efforts. And Dr. Deming also emphasized the importance of managing with the appreciation for the humanity and psychology of those working in the organization.

image of quote by Dr. Deming: People are entitled to joy in work.

Only by creating a management system that supports and respects people working in that system can an organization reach its potential.

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