Donate to the W. Edwards Deming Institute Scholarship Fund

Guest Post by Jack Hillerich

More than 50 years ago, I started working in our family business, Hillerich & Bradsby Co., maker of the Louisville Slugger® baseball bat. It was the early 1960’s and I had just graduated from Vanderbilt University. I was 21.

When my father passed away in 1969, I was suddenly promoted to the position of President of the company. I was only 28 with very little management experience, and yet I was faced with leading the legendary Louisville Slugger® brand. The responsibility was immense, and I faced many challenges as I learned how to lead and run our family enterprise.

In 1980, I watched the NBC White Paper “If Japan Can, Why Can’t We” which included a segment on Dr. Deming’s role as a catalyst for the revitalization of industry in post-war Japan. It was so compelling, I couldn’t get the message out of my mind! In 1984, I finally had the opportunity to attend one of Dr. Deming’s seminars. What I learned changed me, our company, our suppliers and our customers. His emphasis on innovation, continual improvement, leadership and quality helped Louisville Slugger® become a thriving and successful business. Dr. Deming died in 1993, but the philosophy he taught me did not. His influence benefits me in some way, every day.

That’s why I personally make a gift each year to the Scholarship Fund at The Deming Institute. Over the past three years, the Institute has awarded more than 230 scholarships to students, educators, non-profit professionals, emerging entrepreneurs and others so they could benefit from Deming Institute conferences and seminars. There are many, many more individuals who have the desire to learn and passion for new knowledge, but lack the financial means to attend these events.

Photos of Jack Hillerich and students
Jack Hillerich and students at a W. Edwards Deming Institute conference.

How can you help? By making a gift to the Scholarship Fund today:

  • $200 will fund one student’s attendance at the Deming Institute Fall Conference.
  • $1,000 will establish a named scholarship (to honor a friend, colleague or loved one) and cover registration and travel costs to attend a Deming Institute educational event.
  • A one-time gift of any size builds the scholarship fund to assist more students.
  • A recurring monthly gift is a convenient way to provide sustained scholarship support.

Our aim is to more than double the number of individuals who will receive scholarships for Deming Institute learning opportunities next year.

You can make a contribution online or by sending a check to The Deming Institute, PO Box 309, Ketchum, ID 83340.

Thank you for considering a gift of the Deming teachings and lifelong learning!


Jack Hillerich
Chairman, Hillerich and Bradsby Company
Deming Institute Board Trustee

PS: I hope you will join me in giving to those seeking new knowledge to improve their businesses, organizations and communities. Your gift will make a difference.

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