2024 Deming Leadership Seminar for Executives, Entrepreneurs, and Managers

The 2024 Deming Leadership Seminar in Columbus, OH is a comprehensive two-day event designed for executives, entrepreneurs, managers, and their teams. Harness the power of Deming’s principles to build a thriving organizational culture. Learn how to improve employee retention, streamline operations, boost efficiency, and ignite innovation within your team.

Click here to register!


Participants will have complimentary access to ALL of DemingNEXT so you have plenty of time to go beyond the suggested learning paths and explore the 300+ courses available.

“The seminar is going to change the way we work for the better.” – Seminar Participant

This deep-dive seminar explores the simple and powerful Deming principles and is appropriate for everyone in leadership and management positions in small, medium, growing, or large organizations.

You will learn to look at your organization through a new lens: You will gain new knowledge to lower the friction that hurts profits, to increase efficiencies, reduce wasted time, naturally boost motivation, and provide better insight into what’s really going on in your organization. You’ll discover how to measure what is (and is not) realistically possible for your organization to achieve, and how to overcome obstacles so you can achieve more.

You will leave with a detailed improvement project plan: using Deming’s famous Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) method, you will work on finding solutions for frustrating issues specific to your organization.

“I am fired up after attending this seminar!” – Seminar Participant

The seminar will focus on the four aspects of Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge for more effective leadership:

  • Understanding of – and Appreciation for – your Organization as a System – Learn to see your organization as a system to get better results, overcome “silo mentality” and focus on key leverage points for increased throughput, quality, and productivity – all while reducing costs.
  • Understanding Variation – Discover the conclusions we can and cannot draw from data and observations, and how to quickly take action (or not) when something goes wrong.
  • The Theory of Knowledge – Is what we “know” really so? Learn two simple tools that lead to better communications, change, and improvement.
  • Understanding Psychology – Learn insights about how humans want to interact with peers and managers, the impact of fear, and why “carrots-and-sticks management” is counter-productive.

“I was impressed by the breadth of industries and businesses represented at the seminar. Hearing how we have similar issues despite being in different industries and how Deming’s Management principles apply equally well to our problems was enlightening to me.” – Seminar Participant

The seminar will include lots of:

  • fun and eye-opening hands-on activities
  • small group breakouts
  • energetic work sessions
  • guest speakers benefiting from using Deming in their organizations now
  • discussions with Deming experts to get you started on doing Deming the very next day

Come learn what thousands have learned – and discover what is holding you back – and where you can improve effectiveness and culture, reduce costs, increase productivity, and accelerate growth and innovation. You can download a detailed brochure of topics and learning outcomes here.

“I’ve been through a bunch of seminars over the years and am always on the lookout for “BS” at these types of events – I was blown away by how genuine the crew was in wanting to help businesses.” – Seminar Participant

Date/Time: October 16 and 17, 2024, from 8am to 4:30pm each day
Registration Fees: $1,800 per person / $1,600 per person for groups of 3 or more / $1,300 for educators and nonprofits
We are pleased to offer a limited number of scholarships. Please contact us for details.

Click here to register!

Note: If you’re familiar with the Deming 2.5-day seminar, now, with DemingNEXT online guided learning in the weeks before the seminar, we can cover the same material and activities in 2 days. DemingNEXT also gives us a way to help participants continue to learn and implement the concepts from the seminar online through follow-up guided learning paths.

Sponsorship Opportunities

We do not offer sponsorship opportunities for this event. If you are interested in sponsoring a future event, please contact us.


We don’t want cost to be a barrier to participation. A limited number of scholarships are available for the seminar. Some scholarships include a travel allowance, others cover only the registration fee. Partial scholarships are also available. Priority will be given to nonprofits, educators, government agencies and small businesses.

If you are interested in a scholarship for the seminar, please contact us using this link for more information.

Registration Details

“I especially liked the hands-on activities, table discussions, and rotating speaker format. All of the speakers were so engaging and kind.” – Seminar Attendee

Click here to register!

$1,800 per person
$1,600 per person for groups of 3 or more
$1,300 per person for educators
$1,300 per person for nonprofits

Cancellation Policy

We require 10 business days’ notice to cancel and receive a full refund.  If the cancellation occurs within 10 business days of the event date and time, the registration fee will not be refunded, with the exception of unexpected restrictions due to COVID-19.

Curriculum Overview

Why Deming?

Guided by Dr. Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge and the 14 Points for Management, the Deming Philosophy reveals hidden barriers to collaboration, resulting in improved organizational performance and employee motivation. In parallel, the Deming Philosophy provides better insight into what is going on in the organization, thereby revealing the organization’s real capabilities – and constraints. Leaders’ attention can then focus on innovation, planning, and competitiveness. You may already know about Deming Quality – now take the opportunity to learn and apply Deming-based teamwork and leadership.

“Customers want it better, cheaper, faster – and without the Deming philosophy we’d be lost.”
– Steven Haedrich, CEO, New York Label and Box Works

What will you learn?

You will learn the quick and easy things leaders can do – and stop doing – to increase productivity, plus the long-term thinking that will help you grow a sustainable organization for the future. Dr. Deming’s comprehensive and internally consistent methods are practical and immediately implementable. Knowing “what to do” is not enough. Learning the “how to do” makes the difference.

You will learn to apply the 4 key elements of Deming-based Management:

  1. Understanding how to lead an organization as a SYSTEM, resulting in greater effectiveness and efficiency.
  2. Understanding VARIATION helps you to analyze which outcomes and behaviors are caused by the system in which people work – and which are not. This concept is a game-changer for profitability.
  3. Understanding how to use PSYCHOLOGY to bring out the intrinsic motivation of your employees rather than trying to manipulate them with incentives and rewards (and punishments).
  4. Theory of KNOWLEDGE means a) learning to use a simple technique to improve how people learn, and b) knowing that experience alone not only lacks meaning and usefulness, but it also causes dangerous inconsistencies, erodes purpose, and puts organizations at risk. No other management method includes this essential improvement component, yet it is easy to learn and apply.

Our Method

Dr. Deming strongly believed in asking good questions that start people thinking differently and seeking new knowledge. Dr. Deming’s innovative questions (and answers) led to a revolution in how organizations operate. The results are improved effectiveness (doing the right things right) AND efficiency (doing them faster, better, and cheaper). Provocative and practical questions lead to more robust discussions and answers – and to stronger, more prosperous organizations in which owners, leaders, workers, suppliers, customers, and communities benefit.

Questions about quality and productivity:

  • What could we do to improve quality and productivity as we drive down costs? Why wouldn’t we want to do that in sensible ways?
  • Why do leaders think they can improve quality and productivity through quotas, targets and standards? Is it so difficult to see that such things merely create conflicting objectives, cause cheating, and erode trust? Looking at a little data shows they do not improve quality nor reduce costs in sustainable ways.
  • Don’t we have to get better? Why wouldn’t we want our suppliers to help us with that? Shouldn’t we treat them as partners – and vice versa? What is wrong with win/win?
  • With a focus on near-term results, is the future part of our system? What business are we in, today? What business will we be in 5 years from now, 10 years from now, etc.?

Questions about leadership and management:

  • What happens if workers within an organization cooperate with one another rather than competing for internal resources? Wouldn’t the organization be more successful?
  • Is there evidence that cobbling together so-called “management best practices” assures organizational success and longevity?
  • Do leaders need to add complexity to their already complex jobs? Wouldn’t simplicity better help them achieve their aim?
  • Why are leaders taught to spend so much time on “the numbers” and control when we know spreadsheet data alone will mislead and obscure? What if leaders viewed the data on spreadsheets through a lens of insight with consistent, reliable, repeatable ways to assess the data?

Seminar Outcomes

At the end of the seminar, participants will begin applying key aspects of the Deming Management Method in their organizations, including:

  • Recognizing how to break down barriers between departments and people to gain the benefits of cooperation, understanding, and clarity.
  • Knowing what goes into guiding employee behaviors, decisions, and creativity.
  • Understanding the basic small-scale design of PDSA improvement projects focused on customer satisfaction, quality, and efficiency.
  • Why replacing accepted, but harmful, management practices that manipulate and disrespect employees will increase productivity.
  • Beginning to create responsibility and joy in work so products and services can be delivered effectively, efficiently, and profitably.
  • New ideas on applying The Deming Management Method to Sales and Marketing.
  • Fresh ways to view and interpret spreadsheets and other data more effectively and in less time.
  • Understanding the harmful impact of a “results only” focus by management and how to improve an organization’s ability to get better and better results.
  • Revealing ways to get better ROI on capital, make good decisions related to cash flow, and work their business plan more effectively.
  • Gaining insight into what data and measures are important to track and study vs. the data and measures that merely add to the complexity, create bureaucracy and overhead, waste time and money, and take leaders’ eyes off the priorities. Experience creating low-cost, rapid return experiments (PDSAs).

In addition, participants will:

  • Have had hands-on learning experiences, which demonstrate (and make memorable) the main points of the Deming Management Method and its competitive advantages.
  • Recognize the significant opportunities to reduce costs, and increase productivity, growth, and innovation in their own organizations.
  • Establish the next steps needed to get started on increasing productivity, growth, and innovation in their organizations.
  • Understand proven leadership practices that lead to greater productivity and competitiveness.
  • Know new, useful questions to ask of themselves and others.
  • Know how to remove the 5 Deadly Diseases that cripple and kill organizations –and how to guard against them.
  • Know how to put the entire organization to work on making progress.
  • Know how to nourish and unleash the energy and talents of people who want to be peak performers.

Location and Travel Information

Location: Hilton Columbus Downtown
402 North High Street, Columbus, OH
Parking: $20/day (Parking validation will be available)
Nearest airport: John Glenn Columbus International Airport (CMH)

Nearby hotels: 

If you’re familiar with the Deming 2.5-day seminar, now with DemingNEXT online guided learning in the weeks before the seminar, we can cover the same material and activities in 2 days. DemingNEXT also gives us, for the first time, a way to help participants continue to learn and implement the concepts from the seminar online through follow-up guided learning paths.

At A Glance
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 throughThursday, October 17, 2024
Hilton Columbus Downtown
402 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43215 United States
Who Should Attend

  • Organization leaders at every level
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Managers
  • Teams

We encourage you to bring colleagues or entire teams – learning together is the best way to get the most out of the seminar!

What's Included

  • Two full days of instruction and activities with Deming experts
  • The New Economics, Third Edition by Dr. W. Edwards Deming
  • Course handouts and worksheets
  • Breakfast, lunch, and beverages
  • 3 months of free access to DemingNEXT online learning program with more than 250 courses designed by Deming and adult learning experts
  • Blended learning with online pre- and post-seminar learning pathways

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