The Deming System of Profound Knowledge® (SoPK)
Dr. Deming’s 14 Points for Management
Seven Deadly Diseases of Management
PDSA Cycle
Red Bead Experiment
The Funnel Experiment
Deming Institute Blog
A Humorous Look at Variation
Thinking that variation in the data must be important is often a mistake, as this cartoon makes painfully clear. (Guest post by John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog.)
Deming on Management: Innovation
This guest post by John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog, is part of our Deming on Management series that aims to provide resources to help those transforming their management system to one based on Deming’s management ideas.
Our Only Hope
Guest post by Dr. Doug Stilwell, Assistant Professor Drake University: Now more than ever, I wish Dr. Deming was still with us, for even at age 64 I have so many burning questions I’d like to ask him, driven by the extreme frustration I feel about the “state of things” in our world.