Deming Management Method for Owners, Executives, and Managers | 2-Day Seminar

This deep-dive seminar explores the simple and powerful Deming principles and is appropriate for everyone in leadership and management positions in small, medium, growing, or large organizations.

Participants will understand and begin applying Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge (a.k.a. The Deming Management Method) to lead and manage their organization. By viewing their organization from a new perspective, participants will learn how to build a culture that results in:

  • higher employee engagement
  • better retention of high-performing employees
  • increased communication within teams and across the organization
  • more meaningful collaboration

Through enjoyable and engaging hands-on activities, small group breakouts, energetic work sessions, discussions and Q & A, you will gain visibility into what is holding you back – and where you can improve effectiveness, reduce costs, increase productivity, and accelerate growth and innovation.

“Our company owes a huge debt to Dr. Deming’s insights about how to lead and operate. Pride and joy in work, client satisfaction, growth, and quality are all high and sustainable.” – Travis Timmons, health care entrepreneur and President, Fitness Matters

The seminar will focus on the four aspects of Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge for more effective leadership:

  • Understanding of – and Appreciation for – your Organization as a System – Learn to see your organization as a system to get better results, overcome “silo mentality,” and focus on key leverage points for increased throughput, quality, and productivity – all while reducing costs.
  • Understanding Variation – Discover the conclusions we can and cannot draw from data and observations and how to quickly take action (or not) when something goes wrong.
  • The Theory of Knowledge – Is what we “know” really so? Learn two simple tools that lead to better communications, change, and improvement.
  • Understanding Psychology – Learn insights about how humans want to interact with peers and managers, the impact of fear, and why “carrots-and-sticks management” is counter-productive.

The 2-Day seminar may include limited-time subscriptions to DemingNEXT, our unique online learning program that can supplement and reinforce concepts and exercises from the seminar.

If you are interested in a private 2-Day Seminar for your organization, please contact us for more information and pricing at or by phone at 206-395-3084.

Upcoming Events
October 16 & 17, 2024 Hilton Columbus Downtown - Columbus, OH
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