Deadly diseases of management

Deadly Disease of Management: Emphasis on Short-term Profits

By John Hunter / January 9, 2017 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. One of Dr. Deming’s 7 deadly diseases is: Emphasis on short-term profits: short-term thinking It is easy to focus on short term goals and use a somewhat simple short term figure to measure success. But just because it is easier to look at the […]

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Unknown and Unknowable Data

By John Hunter / August 30, 2013 / 0 Comments

Guest post by John Hunter, founder of the From Out of the Crisis, page 121: the most important figures that one needs for management are unknown or unknowable (Lloyd S. Nelson, director of statistical methods for the Nashua corporation), but successful management must nevertheless take account of them. We need to manage systems even […]

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Mobility of Management

By John Hunter / July 15, 2013 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). Mobility of management, job hopping was one of the practices Dr. Deming included in his list of 7 Deadly Diseases. To understand why we can look at the underpinnings of Deming’s management system. Two of the four elements that comprise the management […]

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Video of Dr. W. Edwards Deming: Deadly Diseases of Western Management

By John Hunter / October 11, 2012 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of Management Matters: Building Enterprise Capability. Dr. Deming added 2 diseases to the lists after this video. He was always learning and updating his thoughts and recommendations. As we have stated earlier, this blog attempts to continue that practice by examining Dr. Deming’s ideas and also looking at how those ideas […]

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