Appreciation for a System

Reconsidering the Impact of Systems

By Christina Dragonetti / June 17, 2024 / 0 Comments

In this guest post, Dr. Doug Stilwell explores a transformative encounter with a student on the dual nature of systems, and how his thinking shifted.

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Extraordinary Results

By Christina Dragonetti / February 8, 2024 / 0 Comments

This is the final installation of Martin Laurent’s story of transforming a GM plant using the Deming philosophy. He shares the extraordinary results of his team’s efforts.

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Our Unique System

By Christina Dragonetti / February 1, 2024 / 0 Comments

Martin Laurent’s story of transforming a GM plant using Deming continues. (Part 3 in a 4-Part Series)

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Education at a Crossroads: The Perils of Competition in K-12 Education

By Christina Dragonetti / November 2, 2023 / 3 Comments

The aim of this article is to specifically address the topic of competition among schools and districts as a means to improve the performance of the education system. (Hint: it doesn’t work!)

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Large red industrial fishing ship sinking from the back of the boat with the front end sticking up in the air.

Best Efforts on a Sinking Ship

By Christina Dragonetti / April 24, 2023 / 2 Comments

In this guest post by Ruthie Russo, she uses the metaphor of bailing out a sinking ship to show how traditional improvement efforts in education are missing the big picture – and harming students and teachers in the process.

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Diagram of connections inside a computer

Deming Systems Thinking and Cyberwarfare

By Guest Post / March 3, 2023 / 0 Comments

How does Deming apply to the cybersecurity world? This guest post by Brian Barnier shows how systems thinking can help cybersecurity professionals outthink the enemy. (This is part 2 of a 2-part series.)

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Deming for Ransomware and Cyberwarfare? Yes!

By Guest Post / February 22, 2023 / 0 Comments

In this guest post, Brian Barnier takes the Deming philosophy into the cyber security world. Inappropriate methods applied to cyber security problems are like flaws in a building’s engineering: they set people up for failure and burnout. Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge is the antidote, but few understand how it applies to cybersecurity.

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Looking through a lens that has a clear/crisp image of a dirt road leading into the distance, surrounded by a blurry image of the landscape photo beyond the lens.

Taking Deming into the 21st Century – and Beyond

By Christina Dragonetti / February 1, 2023 / 0 Comments

Introducing a unique new way to learn Deming online! DemingNEXT offers exclusive courses designed by Deming and adult learning experts.

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Several orange starfish on a rocky beach.

The Starfish and the System

By Christina Dragonetti / November 30, 2022 / 8 Comments

In this guest post, Dr. Doug Stilwell looks at The Starfish Story of a humble hero through the Deming lens, and sees how, by understanding the System of Profound Knowledge, we can achieve a much greater impact.

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Green crops in rows with a sunrise sky above them.

Bees, Ants, Elephants, and Crops: Systemic Thinking for Innovation

By John Hunter / September 27, 2022 / 0 Comments

In this guest post by John Hunter, he explores how using Deming systemic thinking leads to innovation, when the urge to “just do what we’ve always done” is strong.

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