Deming Today
By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Note: The simulation referenced below is no longer available. I ran across this simulation via a post on an e-learning website. The community has challenges in creating short simulations on various concepts and one of the challenges focused on the red bead experiment: the […]
Read MoreBy John Hunter, founder of Presentation by JW Wilson at our 2015 Deming in Education conference: Why Some Things in Education Work….and Others Don’t: There is a mismatch between what science knows and what education does. This is true in education and management. We are not very effective at adjusting existing practices based on […]
Read MoreTravis Timmons, owner of Fitness Matters, describes the company’s Deming Transformation that took them from chaos to stability – and unprecedented success.
Read MoreBy John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). Silos to Systems: Our Journey to World Class – presentation by Lisa Snyder at the First Annual Deming in Education conference. In one of the videos included in the presentation we hear this quote In this model you really are a team […]
Read MoreBy John Hunter, founder of Alfie Kohn starts with an excellent discussion his fear of applying business improvement ideas in the education setting. …And yet, Dr. Deming’s work offered some principles at an abstract level that, when pulled out of a workplace context, turn out to be equally revolutionary, powerful, and constructive in virtually […]
Read MoreBy John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Presentation by Christine Simpson and Sarah Ambrus at the 2015 Deming in Education conference: Empowering Students to Lead Change. In discussing the use of the 5 why’s Sarah made an important point that people would benefit from remembering. Focus on what we can control. […]
Read MoreBy John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Presentation by Jake Rodgers and Phyllis Tubbs: Dr. Deming’s Influence on One Elementary School Principal at the 1st annual Deming in Education Conference: Jake asks a good question (as he learned from David Langford who learned it from W. Edwards Deming). What’s your theory? […]
Read MoreBy John Hunter, founder of Kevin Cahill’s welcome message to 2015 Deming In Education Conference. Kevin is the Director the The W. Edwards Deming Institute. Kevin talks about the need to break the bounds of common sense practices. Without change we continue to get the results we have always achieved. To improve we need […]
Read MoreBy John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). In this Deming Institute podcast (download the podcast) Kevin Cahill and David Langford share how The Deming in Education Initiative was conceived, the impact of the Deming Philosophy on education, and where the Initiative is going in the future. The initiative first […]
Read MoreGuest post by Kim Melton When many of the ads on the final round of the Masters Golf Tournament are about using data to make decisions, you know that data has become big business! In ads IBM touched on the use of data in transportation, healthcare, manufacturing, crime, love, education, farming, pollution, weather, energy, and […]
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