Dr. Deming

David and Carole Schwinn Presentation on The Man, The Mission, The Movement

By John Hunter / March 23, 2017 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). David and Carole Schwinn’s presentation at the 2016 Annual Deming Conference: The Man, The Mission, The Movement: David Schwinn talking about Dr. Deming’s work at Ford Dr. Deming would come and talk to top management and come and listen to the workers. […]

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The Most Popular Videos on Our YouTube Channel in the Last Year

By John Hunter / January 12, 2017 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Here are the most popular videos on The W. Edwards Deming Institute You Tube channel in the last year. Unsurprisingly, those with W. Edwards Deming in them are very popular. The videos with the most views in the last year: W. Edwards Deming: The […]

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Toyota’s Management History

By John Hunter / October 31, 2016 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). One of the items Toyota highlights on their web site is winning the Deming Prize in 1965. From the Toyota website: Receiving the Deming Application Prize strengthened Toyota Motor Co., Ltd.’s resolve to push ahead with further TQC initiatives, and based on […]

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The Deming Dimension by Henry Neave

By John Hunter / September 22, 2016 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. The Deming Dimension by Henry Neave provides good historical background and then a well presented explanation of Deming’s ideas on management. It is one of the best books to read to learn about Deming’s ideas. The book includes a forward by W. Edwards Deming: […]

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Deming Regression

By John Hunter / August 22, 2016 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, founder of CuriousCat.com. Most of Dr. Deming’s management work requires no understanding of advanced statistical methods. He was also a statistician and this post takes a look at one of his contributions to the field of statistics: the Deming Regression. In his book, Statistical Adjustment of Data (1943), W. Edwards Deming discussed, […]

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Some Notes on Management in a Hospital by W. Edwards Deming

By John Hunter / July 28, 2016 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). We used to publish a newsletter. In the Fall 2006 Deming Interaction we published an excerpt from an article by Dr. Deming: Some Notes on Management in a Hospital [the link that we broke has been removed] (published in 1990 in the […]

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A Historical Look at Deming’s Career: Lecture by J. Stuart Hunter

By John Hunter / July 25, 2016 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, founder of CuriousCat.com. Every year the American Statistical Association (ASA) selects an honoree to present a Deming Lecture at their annual conference. The 2009 ASA Deming Lecture by J. Stuart Hunter, Princeton University: the first part of the lecture (20 minutes) is a historical look at W. Edwards Deming’s career and then […]

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My First Trip To Japan by Peter Scholtes

By John Hunter / July 18, 2016 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of Management Matters: Building Enterprise Capability. The Philadelphia Area Council for Excellence organized a tour to visit businesses Japan in 1985 and learn from them. 38 people participated in the trip including Peter Scholtes; William Hunter (my father); Brian and Laurel Joiner; Myron Tribus; and David and Carole Schwinn (David and […]

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Cliff Norman and Ron Moen Discuss the History of the PDSA Cycle

By John Hunter / May 12, 2016 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of Management Matters: Building Enterprise Capability. Cliff Norman and Ron Moen, of Associates in Process Improvement (API) discuss the history of the Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) Cycle and their research on the subject in the latest Deming Institute podcast (download the podcast). This is the second Deming podcast with Ron […]

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Bill Scherkenbach Interview with Dr. Deming

By John Hunter / April 18, 2016 / 0 Comments

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. This is a very interesting interview with W. Edwards Deming by Bill Scherkenbach (recording in February 1984, during this time Bill Scherkenbach worked at Ford and Deming was consulting with Ford). The interview provides many insightful quotes from Deming and shows his concern for […]

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