Help Bring Joy to Learning, Joy in Life

photo of attendees at a Deming conference

Give by 28 December 2015 to double your gift!

Joy in learning comes not so much from what is learned, but from learning.
Joy on the job comes not so much from the result…but from contribution to optimization of the system in which everybody wins.

– W. Edwards Deming

Do you remember the joy of learning when you were a child? When mastering a new task brought feelings of confidence and self esteem? When the joy and meaning was from the learning, not the reward?

Dr. Deming believed that there was power in preserving the intrinsic drive that we are born with. He believed that joy and meaning in work comes from our innate curiosity and desire to continually learn. As Dr. Deming wrote, “One inherits a right to enjoy his work.” At the Deming Institute, we believe in improving lives by restoring that joy in work and in life.

This year, more individuals have benefitted from Dr. Deming’s management philosophy – a philosophy that brought Japan back from the economic devastation of WWII, and continues to transform businesses and educational systems today. From the workplace to the classrooms, the Deming teachings have created joyful environments where individuals can be innovative, collaborative, proud of their work and successful in their endeavors.

In 2015, generous donors helped provide $56,000 in scholarships to 130 individuals to attend our educational events. Nearly 400 people attended our conferences and seminars during the year, and our first Deming in Education Conference launched us well into our efforts to transform education. This spring we introduced our Videos on Demand, offering all our educational videos for streaming and downloading on Vimeo. Our Deming Podcasts have had more than 27,000 downloads to-date, sharing the knowledge of those whose lives have been improved by the Deming teachings.

This would not have been possible without the gifts of our supportive community. Thanks to donor contributions, we are sharing the power of Dr. Deming’s philosophies with more businesses, schools and organizations than ever before.

Will you make a gift to help us continue our work and create more joy?

Your gift is extremely important because it provides resources that will have an immediate benefit. And if you make your gift before December 28th, a generous donor has pledged to match your contribution, dollar for dollar, doubling your impact!

A gift of $25, $50, $500 or $1,000 can make all the difference. You can support the area of greatest need or if you’d like, designate your gift specifically for scholarships.

Please consider making as generous a gift as you can. Your donation will make a difference.

Make your contribution online or by sending a check to The Deming Institute, PO Box 309, Ketchum, ID 83340.

Thank you so much for helping bring joy to work and learning again.


Kevin Cahill
Executive Director

Questions about making a gift to The Deming Institute? Please contact Darlene Suyematsu, Director of Development & Communications at or (206) 395-3084.

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