Photos of 2015 International Deming Research Seminar

By John Hunter, founder of

In 2015 the annual International Deming Research Seminar moved to Georgetown University in Washington DC from the long time home at Fordham University in New York City. A previous post provides 10 lessons Mike Stoecklein learned at the seminar. This post provides a glimpse of the seminar through photos taken by Judy Cahill.

people engaged in discussions around the room

I like how many people in this photo are engaged in conversation at the Deming Research Seminar. It captures a sense of the interesting discussions that took place at the seminar.

Dileep Thatte and Amber Gocken

Dileep Thatte, NIST (USA) and Amber Gocken, Codebyts (Australia) enjoy a break at the seminar.

people working and discussing at their tables

Attendees participating in “Lean Coffee” discussions at their tables.

2 attendees at the 2015 Deming Research Seminar

2 more attendees enjoying their time at the seminar. See more photos from the seminar.

Related: Photos of 2013 International Deming Research SeminarPhotos from the 2014 Annual Deming Institute ConferenceW. Edwards Deming Photo Gallery

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