Reflections on the Deming Community from Diana Deming Cahill

Often, when the days grow shorter and holiday preparations are underway, I find myself taking time to reflect. Not just on the year that is coming to a close, but on the Deming community that I have been a part of for more than 40 years.

I began to accompany my father, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, on his seminars and consulting sessions in 1979. I had the pleasure of traveling all around the world, watching my father spark new ideas, or dramatically shift perspectives, in those who sought out his expertise.

I am so grateful for this experience, and for the dedicated community of Deming leaders and mentors who have carried this work forward.

There was no question in my mind that my father and I must create The Deming Institute in 1993, just before his passing. It felt like a calling, my purpose, to lead this effort when he no longer could.

Since those early days of traveling to Fortune 500 executives, I have been blessed to hear from Dr. Deming’s colleagues and students. Many have become dear friends. We share certain values. And we have all found my father’s teachings have connected us to our own purposes—in our work and our relationships, and the community we have built together.

Our community has swelled to thousands of people all around the globe. More lives have been touched than we could ever know. And, truly, we are just getting started.

I hope you will consider a gift to The Deming Institute this holiday season. We have new online curricula, virtual seminars and scholarship opportunities to help new generations lead with purpose.

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