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What is a system?

By Bill Bellows / January 10, 2019 / 0 Comments

Guest post by Keith Sparkjoy, vice president of the Sparkjoy Foundation, originally featured as a post at  Follow this link to listen to our first podcast with Keith. Dictionary definition: “a…

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Book Review – The Tyranny of Metrics

By Bill Bellows / June 11, 2018 / 0 Comments

…worthy to be read as a companion to The New Economics and Out of the Crisis. For those interested, please see Jerry Z. Muller’s book interview on C-SPAN:  …

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One-Piece-Flow Projects Create the Best Conditions for True Creativity

By Guest Post / November 20, 2014 / 0 Comments

…controlled impact on the full design. The secret to products that work (and that customers buy) is being both conservative on standards and daring on a few, visible features. Overburdened…

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Monta Akin on The 20 Year Deming Journey at the Leander Independent School District

By John Hunter / January 23, 2015 / 0 Comments

…and rewards. There was still an evaluation to determine if teachers were performing their job successfully. That was huge in terms of gaining buy-in and trust from teachers. They saw…

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Keith Sparkjoy on Adopting the Deming Management System at Pluralsight

By John Hunter / February 2, 2015 / 0 Comments

…using Deming’s ideas was important for Pluralsight. He heard about the Deming Library videos and decided to buy them and found them to be a great tool and something he…

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Some Statistical Logic in the Management of Quality by W. Edward Deming

By John Hunter / May 14, 2015 / 0 Comments

…of the trouble may be common to all the machines – e.g., poor thread, the fault of management, whose policy may be to buy thread locally or from a subsidiary….

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Cash Incentives Won’t Make Us Healthier by Alfie Kohn

By John Hunter / August 17, 2015 / 0 Comments

…do individuals. Health can be a tough sell. But it’s clearly something that incentives can’t buy. Alfie’s books on the problems with using incentives are excellent: Punished by Rewards: The…

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Deming Research Seminar Round Table Session

By Guest Post / January 28, 2013 / 0 Comments

…at last year’s roundtable discussion was ‘Logical’ thinking and language, trying very hard to make an emotional argument for persuasion to buy (or embrace) Dr. Deming’s theories. Most of the…

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Do We Need to Find Management Ideas from Our Industry?

By John Hunter / August 15, 2013 / 0 Comments

…People are willing to buy instant pudding solutions. The problem is they don’t work. A great benefit of Deming’s management system is we can learn from others, no matter what…

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Improving the Management System with an Understanding of Deming

By John Hunter / July 3, 2017 / 0 Comments

…the customer into this PDSA workshop. We brought customers in who used to buy from us and these people didn’t really have a lot of connection with customers but they…

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