By John Hunter, founder of
The 20 most popular post on our blog this year (by page views reported by our analytic tool):
- Myth: If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Manage It (2015)
- A Bad System Will Beat a Good Person Every Time (2015)
- Minimal Viable Product (2014)
- 2015 Deming Prize Awardees (2015)*
- Deming and Lean: The Disparities and Similarities (2013)
- Inspection is too late. The quality, good or bad, is already in the product. (2012)
- Create Constancy of Purpose (2015)
- Dr. Deming Called for the Elimination of The Annual Performance Appraisal (2012)
- Deming’s 14 Points for Management (2013)
- Knowledge of Variation (2012)
- Appreciation for a System (2012)
- Deming Chain Reaction (2012)
- If Japan Can… Why Can’t We? – 1980 NBC Special Report (2015)
- Lessons From the Red Bead Experiment with Dr. Deming (2014)
- The History and Evolution of the PDSA Cycle (2015)*
- Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge (2012)*
- We Need to Understand Variation to Manage Effectively (2013)
- Dr. W. Edwards Deming on Leadership (2012)*
- What’s Deming Got to Do With Agile Software Development and Kanban (2013)
- W. Edwards Deming Discussing the Leadership We Need in Our Organizations (2016)*
* new to the top 20 this year.
We have 5 new posts in the top 20 this year (they were published in 2012 [2], 2105[2] and 2016)
We started publishing The W. Edwards Deming Institute blog in October of 2012; the 20 most viewed posts in 2016 included posts from:
2016: 1
2015: 6
2014: 2
2013: 4
2012: 7
Related: Our Most Popular Posts in 2015 – Most Popular Posts on The W. Edwards Deming Institute Blog in 2014