The Most Popular Posts on The W. Edwards Deming Institute Blog in 2016

By John Hunter, founder of

The 20 most popular post on our blog this year (by page views reported by our analytic tool):

quote image: No defects, no jobs. Absence of defects does not necessarily build business… Something more is required.

* new to the top 20 this year.
We have 5 new posts in the top 20 this year (they were published in 2012 [2], 2105[2] and 2016)

We started publishing The W. Edwards Deming Institute blog in October of 2012; the 20 most viewed posts in 2016 included posts from:

2016: 1
2015: 6
2014: 2
2013: 4
2012: 7

Related: Our Most Popular Posts in 2015Most Popular Posts on The W. Edwards Deming Institute Blog in 2014

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