The Most Popular Videos on The W. Edwards Deming Institute You Tube Channel

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By John Hunter, founder of

The most popular videos on The W. Edwards Deming Institute You Tube channel are, not surprisingly, those with Dr. Deming in them.

The videos with the most views since they have been added are:

  1. Dr. Deming – The 5 Deadly Diseases (1984): 104,715 views (added 6 years ago).
  2. W. Edwards Deming: The 14 Points: 42,379 views (added 1 year ago).
  3. Red Bead Experiment with Dr. W. Edwards Deming: 25,988 views (1 year ago).
  4. Deming The Man: 9,196 views (2 years ago).
  5. Lessons from the Red Bead Experiment: 8,530 views (2 years ago)
  6. YouTube video

  7. If Japan Can Why Can’t We: 7,279 views (3 months ago).

Then we get to some without Dr. Deming

  1. Deming 101 – An Introduction to Dr. Deming’s Teachings by Peter Scholtes (this shows Peter’s full presentation at our 2008 conference in Madison, Wisconsin): 3,930 views (2 years ago).
  2. Deming 101 – Theory of Knowledge/PDSA (this, and the next 2 videos, show excerpts from Ian Bradbury’s presentation at our annual conference in 2013): 2,770 views (2 years ago).
  3. Deming 101 – Knowledge about Variation: 2,584 views (2 years ago)
  4. Deming 101 – The Deming System of Profound Knowledge® 2,282 views (2 years ago).

And then a few more with Dr. Deming follow, in the list of most viewed videos. The W. Edwards Deming Institute You Tube channel provides a huge number of great videos. And the great content is not limited to the most popular videos, there are many wonderful videos that receive fewer views.

Here is one example of those great videos without a huge number a views (an excerpt from Mike Tveite’s presentation at our 2012 Deming Conference):

YouTube video

Go visit our You Tube channel to find many more great videos. You can also join the 1,427 people who are subscribed to our channel, which will let you keep track of when we add new videos.

You might notice from the list above the top video was added 6 years ago and the next most recent popular video was added just 2 years ago. We added a few videos in the intervening years, but not many. About 3 years ago we started making a much greater effort to add good video content. The content we have been adding to our channel includes videos with Dr. Deming as well as full presentations from our conferences.

Related: W. Edwards Deming Videos On DemandWhat Schools Can Learn from Dr. Deming’s Philosophy by Andrea GaborHallmark Building Supplies: Applying Deming as a Business Strategy

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