The W. Edward Deming Institute 2013 Annual Conference, Oct 18 – 20

By John Hunter, founder of

The Annual Deming Institute Fall Conference will be held at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA this year. Friday, October 18 there will be an evening of networking from 6 PM to 9 PM. There will be a full day of sessions on Saturday and morning sessions on Sunday (ending at Noon on October 20th).

The theme for this years conference is: Out of the Crisis – New Thinking for a Sustainable World [broken link, removed].

This inspiring and illuminating conference will feature top leaders and educators presenting the ideas of Dr. Deming and making connections to the important concept of Sustainability. To create a genuinely sustainable world, there will have to be a complete transformation in how we get and use energy, how we feed ourselves, how we travel, how we provide and use goods/services, and how we work and collaborate. Transformation will mean disruption.

So, mark your calendars, and join us for a truly profound experience that identifies links between Dr. Deming’s thinking and the underlying values and principles of sustainability.

Presenters include:

  • Ian Bradbury, President, Peaker Services
  • Andrew McKeon, Founder and Principal of BusinessClimate
  • Prof. John Sutherland, Head of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Purdue University
  • Tom Easterday, Executive VP, Subaru Indiana Automotive
  • Nida Backaitis, Principal, Organizational Effectiveness Consultant Group, MITRE Corporation
  • Brian Joiner, Co-founder and Board Member of Sustain Dane; Author of Fourth Generation Management
  • H. Thomas Johnson, Professor of Business Administration, Portland State University; Author of Profit Beyond Measure

Who should attend?
The W. Edward Deming Institute conferences are open to all — practitioners, students, executives, administrators, managers, educators, and individual contributors — across business, government, education, and communities.

For more details and to register (starting May 1st) see the conference web page [broken link, removed].

Related: Excerpts from 2012 conference presentation – Hallmark Building Supplies: Applying Deming as a Business StrategyVideo Introduction to Dr. DemingThe Essential Deming, a New Book on Dr. Deming’s Work

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