The W. Edwards Deming Institute 2014 Fall Conference, Oct 16-19

By John Hunter, founder of

The W. Edwards Deming Institute® 2014 Fall Conference will be held at Airtel Plaza Hotel in Van Nuys, California. The theme for this years conference is Innovation for Success: creating a foundation for leading in business and education.

Annual Fall Conference
October 17 – 19, 2014

Pre-Conference Session on Education and Quality Learning
October 16 – 17, 2014

The W. Edwards Deming Institute, in collaboration with California State University, Northridge presents a weekend conference on innovation, the foundation for the future. Speakers from business and education will share their journeys with Dr. Deming’s teachings and the powerful impact they had on their lives, businesses and communities.

Join us for an introduction to Dr. Deming’s transformational philosophies, compelling personal stories from industry leaders, and moderated speaker panel discussions. You will also have an opportunity to meet with conference presenters, family members of Dr. Deming, and other attendees who are successfully using Deming’s teachings in their organizations. You’ll leave with new knowledge and inspiration to create a more successful future by leading through innovation today.

Plenary Sessions and Keynote Presenters:

  • Introduction to Deming’s Theories – for 2015 & Beyond: Discover how Amazing things happen, Kelly Allan, Senior Associate, Kelly Allan Associates, Ltd.
  • Kevin Edwards Cahill, President & Executive Director, The W. Edwards Deming Institute
  • It Takes an Enterprise: current neuroscience and knowledge of psychology, Edward Chaplin, Medical Director of Co-Management and Quality for Care Lines, Scripps Health
  • Harold Hellenbrand, Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs, California State University, Northridge
  • Ron Moen, Co-Founder & Partner, Associates in Process Improvement
  • A Transformed Leader, Phil Monroe, US Navy Captain (Retired)

Business Track

Education Track

Scholarships for the Annual Fall Conference will be available for active students.

Register for the conference.


Join David P. Langford for a two-day interactive session and discover the true potential and future of education in our country. Shatter existing beliefs with this proven approach to improving the quality of learning and leading the next generation of students in flexible learning environments that inspire passion in students and educators alike. This session will explore how you can focus on changes which result in sustained, proven, systemic improvement in learning.

This 2-Day session is for educators, administrators and business leaders interested in making a difference in Education and Quality Learning. The focus is on improving learning and leading organizations using the Profound Knowledge principles of Dr. W. Edwards Deming and emerging brain research. Dr. Deming’s foundational principles provide a timeless framework for understanding small and large systems. This powerful approach is about a philosophy and a strategy; a way of thinking that will change the way you look at learning and education.

Register for the Pre-conference.

Related: 2013 Annual Deming Conference Recap: Homecoming At PurdueHallmark Building Supplies: Applying Deming as a Business StrategyThe Neuroscience of Deming

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