The W. Edwards Deming Institute 2015 Fall Conference, Sep 18-20

By John Hunter, founder of

This year The W. Edwards Deming Institute’s conference will be held in September. The theme of the conference is Next Generation Leadership: Disruptive by Design.

Join us September 18th to the 20th at Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa for the 2015 annual conference.


  • Jim Benson, Founding Partner, Modus Cooperandi and Author of Personal Kanban
  • Eric Budd, Improvement Coordinator, Peaker Services, Inc. and Board of Directors, Capital Quality & Innovation
  • Kevin Cahill, Executive Director, The W. Edwards Deming Institute®
  • David P. Langford, President and CEO, Langford International
  • Paula Marshall, CEO, The Bama Companies
  • Lisa Snyder, Superintendent of Schools, ISD 194-Lakeville Area Public Schools
  • Doug Stilwell, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership, Drake University and Mark Lane, Director of Human Resources, Urbandale Community School District
  • Mike Tveite, Statistician, Polaris Industries
photo of Andrea Gabor
Andrea Gabor speaking at the 2014 Deming Institute conference.

This year the conference will include discussion sessions led by Jim Benson and Tonianne DeMaria Barry of Modus Cooperandi based on their Lean Coffee™ format.

There are student scholarships and military scholarships available for those interested in attending the conference.

The conference web page allows you to register for the conference and will be updated as new details are added (such as topics of the presentations).

Related: The W. Edwards Deming Institute 2014 Fall Conference, Oct 16-192013 Annual Deming Conference Recap: Homecoming At PurdueThe Neuroscience of Deming (2012 conference)

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