When your aim is your name – A message from Trustee Keith Sparkjoy

As a lifelong learner, I draw insight and inspiration from many writers, teachers, and thought leaders.

In 2004, together with some good friends, we cofounded a wonderful company called Pluralsight whose aim is to democratize professional technology learning. During my decade there, I studied organizational health, with a focus on the work of Dr. Deming. I was drawn to his core belief that long-lasting companies—and joy in work—result from everyone cooperating to optimize the system.

Let’s bring Dr. Deming’s values-based teaching to organizational leaders struggling to make the positive impact they desire. Please join me in supporting the Power of Purpose campaign today.

Keith and Mari Sparkjoy

When I married my sweetheart Mari in 2010, we chose the name Sparkjoy as it reflected the aim of our lives – to spark joy in the world. Today we invest in programs that do just that, and we continually strive to make positive change in the world—personally and in our communities.

In 2018, I was honored to be invited to serve on the board of The Deming Institute. Dr. Deming’s teachings have helped me develop my own leadership philosophy—to create and motivate highly effective teams.

  • I believe that given the opportunity to do meaningful work, in a system that helps them do it well, everyone will do their best.
  • I believe that we are all wired for connection and that cooperating with each other is in our nature.
  • I believe that people have more in common than we are often led to believe.

In a time of polarizing politics and a brutalizing pandemic, it helps to be grounded by research, reflection, and strong relationships. And just as important, it helps to be lifted by a collective call to create systems where everyone can thrive.

Your gift to The Deming Institute will help expand the Institute’s educational programs, to help emerging leaders find their purpose – and spark joy!

Keith SparkjoyKeith Sparkjoy
Trustee, The Deming Institute

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