Developing Software Using Deming’s Ideas

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By John Hunter, founder of

Deming Institute podcast with TJ Gokcen, CEO of Acquate on “Joy in Software Development” (download the podcast).

Describing the importance of creating software using Deming’s ideas as expressed in agile software development, TJ says

so it is a set of methods and practices that is more catered to change. So you do not have a big document, specifications document, at the front, what you do is instead you just go and develop whatever is the first value you need

This method allows for users (and project owners, etc.) to respond to what they actually see in practice instead of trying to imagine an entire system and then express that at the beginning in a large specification document laying out every detail of the software.

In practice this creates short iteration cycles and quick delivery of working software. And such processes result in much better results for software projects.

Scrum, scrum, agile they are great methodologies and they certainly have a place in software development as methodologies themselves. But applying the System of Profound Knowledge for software development with regards to the whole system give you much more benefit than what you can get just from them alone. But when we say that we also advocate that you must learn what the System of Profound Knowledge is not copy.

Don’t copy… learn the underlying principles, get the knowledge, create your own way.

Kanban for Developers presentation by TJ Gokcen:

YouTube video

Related: What’s Deming Got to Do With Agile Software Development and Kanban (2013)Software Process and Measurement Podcast With John HunterJim Benson on Applying Deming’s Ideas to Knowledge WorkInvolve IT Staff in Business Process Improvement (2010)

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