Meet One of Our Non-Profit Partners

Harnessing the Power of Genuine Collaboration with Aileron

Happy Holidays! We are so proud of this community, which is doing the important work of spreading the Deming teachings. We want to share the story of one of our incredible partners with you.

Our revenue has grown by 60%… and an exciting result of the Deming approach is we were able to deliver that growth with significantly less time from our staff.

– Stacy Sheldon, Aileron

Aileron is a non-profit that “helps take privately held businesses, teams, organizational cultures, and individuals to the next level of growth,” through an integrated offering of intensive workshops, coaching, and leadership development.

The Partnership

For the past four years, Aileron has not only hosted The Deming Institute’s workshops on the Deming Management Method at their beautiful campus in Ohio, but they have also embraced the Deming Philosophy in their own organization – to great success.

The Result

“Since implementing Deming, we’ve grown our revenue by 60%, and that’s through increasing services, not raising prices,” says Stacy Sheldon, Marketing Manager at Aileron. “We’re working with a lot more clients, and an exciting result of the Deming approach is we were able to deliver that growth with significantly less time from our staff. For us, Deming is the epitome of the way to do more with less, and do it well. We were able to see points in our process that just didn’t make sense, and where we could make the quality better. We didn’t have to add people to have that growth.”

The Ripple Effect

“Our collaboration and partnership with The Deming Institute has not only created great impacts in Aileron,” says Stacy, “but we also get amazing opportunities to watch how it’s impacted other organizations through the small businesses that we work with and their teams.”

Join the Movement!

You can help strengthen and create more partnerships like the one we have with Aileron. With just two weeks left to hit our year-end campaign goal, we’re excited to share that we’ve raised over $15,000 so far! This means we’re more than halfway to our goal. And we know that with the help of dedicated supporters like you, we’ll reach $25,000 by December 31.

Double Your Impact!

There’s still time for you to have your gift matched, dollar for dollar! A generous anonymous donor is matching the first $10,000 donated to the campaign.  Give today and your gift will be doubled!  

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