Podcast Discussing Dr. Deming’s Ideas, The Deming Institute and Toyota

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog.

Joe Dager, Business 901, has published an interview with me in a podcast: Dr. Deming on Lean in 2012. I hope you enjoy the podcast.

Download podcast via the Business901 iTunes Store.

I discussed some of my history with Dr. Deming’s ideas on management and my thoughts on the application of those ideas today. My history includes growing up around these ideas through the work of my father, William Hunter. He contributed a short article to Out of the Crisis on applying Deming’s ideas to the city government in Madison, Wisconsin (Peter Scholtes also worked on that project). I talked a far amount about Toyota and lean manufacturing.

I included links to additional information of the items I mention in the podcast on my post on the Curious Cat Management blog.

Related: Deming Chain ReactionAppreciation for a System in Deming’s Management SystemEliminate Sales Commissions: Reject Theory X Management and Embrace Systems Thinking

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