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A common disease that afflicts management and government administration the world over is the impression that ‘Our problems are different.’ They are different, to be sure, but the principles that will help to improve quality of product and of service are universal in nature.

A good question for anybody in business to ask is What business are we in? To do well what we are doing-i.e., to turn out a good product, or good service, whatever it be? Yes, of course, but this is not enough. We must keep asking – What product or service would help our customers more? We must think about the future. What will we be making 5 years from now? 10 years from now?

A leader’s job is to understand his people, understand their differences; optimize their interactions, their educations, their experiences.

A numerical goal leads to distortion and faking, especially when the system is not capable of meeting the goal. Anybody will meet the quota (goal) allotted to him. He is not responsible for the losses so generated.

All that we have has come from people that are responsible only to themselves, only themselves to satisfy.

American management thinks that they can just copy from Japan-but they don’t know what to copy!

An additional responsibility of management is to be ready to change the boundary of the system to better serve the aim. Changes may require redefinition of components.

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