Season of Generosity: More Deming Gifts for You!

Wow. This community’s support of the Season of Generosity campaign was truly humbling and inspiring. We came together, as Deming people, to ensure that we can continue to carry on his work and teachings. Because of people like you, we raised $22,987! That means more people accessing our free resources such as this blog and our podcast. More and better quality learning events. And more scholarships for people who would otherwise not have access to Deming’s powerful and transformative philosophy. Your positive impact on our shared community cannot be measured, but we have no doubt that it is immense.


For being a part of this work, we would like to thank you. During the Season of Generosity, we released five special Deming Gifts that we hope you will print, email, and share with others.

OPEN GIFT #1: The Deming System of Profound Knowledge®
OPEN GIFT #2: Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Cycle
OPEN GIFT #3: The Deming Chain Reaction
OPEN GIFT #4: Production Viewed As a System
OPEN GIFT #5: Deming’s 14 Points for Management (designed by our long-time partners and friends at New York Label & Box Works)

You can also download this pdf of All Five Deming Gifts.

Thank you for bringing joy and dignity to the lives and work of so many!


It’s not too late express your support of Deming by giving to or sharing the Season of Generosity campaign.

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