The Most Popular Posts on Our Blog in 2019

Guest post by John Hunter, author of Management Matters: Building Enterprise Capability.

The most read posts on our blog remain very consistent from year to year. This year had 19 of 20 repeats from the top 20 in 2018 (in the past there were about 15 repeats).

The 20 most popular post on our blog this year (by page views reported by our analytic tool*):

Image of Deming Chain Reaction - text: Improve Quality —> Costs decrease because of less rework, fewer mistakes, fewer delays, snags, better use of machine-time and materials —> Productivity Improves —> Capture the market with better quality and lower price —> Stay in Business —> Provide jobs and more jobs

** This post is the only popular post that wasn’t in the top 20 in 2018.

We started publishing The W. Edwards Deming Institute blog in October of 2012; the 20 most viewed posts in 2019 included posts from:

2018: 1
2016: 4
2015: 3
2014: 1
2013: 3
2012: 8

The dominance of posts from previous years on a list of our most-read posts (even in what many think of as an ephemeral medium – a blog) illustrates the value of long-term thinking. Creating content for a blog is creating content that will be read for many years, if you create content that people value.

The post published in 2017 with the most views was: The Transformation is Everybody’s Job.

* I only have access to data from 1 Jan 2019 to 23 Oct 2019, but this is likely to be very close to the same result if I had access to data for the full year.

The post published in 2019 with the most views was: Reflections on the Fabric of the Toyota Production System. This is the result that might be the most questionable given the lack of data from November and December 2019 (maybe a different post would have edged it out if the full year, if data were available).

Related: The Most Popular Posts on The W. Edwards Deming Institute® Blog in 2018Our Most Popular Posts in 2016Our Most Popular Posts in 2016Most Popular Posts on The W. Edwards Deming Institute Blog in 2014


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