Deming Institute Seminars in London and Edinburgh During May 2017

By John Hunter, founder of

We are offering 2 new seminars in the UK this May: The W. Edwards Deming Institute® Organisations as Unusual Workshop (Shift from Big Problems to Great Opportunities) and The W. Edwards Deming Institute® Sustainability Strategy Program.

The first is a workshop over two half days. The second includes both those half days and fills out each full day with additional material focused on sustainability.

photo of participants working on an exercise at their tables

The objective of the Organisations as Unusual Workshop (presented in two 4-hour parts, over the course of two days) is to demonstrate and explore the unlimited potential of “Organizations as Unusual,” with a very practical focus on how we think, learn, and work together, built upon a foundation of Dr. Deming’s Management Method.

The Sustainability Strategy Program includes the Organisations as Unusual Workshop and with two extra 4 hour sessions focused on sustainability. The morning of the first day begins with the Sustainability Strategy Program then continues in the afternoon with the Organisations as Unusual Workshop. The morning of the second day starts with the Organisations as Unusual Workshop and concludes with the Sustainability Strategy Program.

The Organisations as Unusual Workshops will be facilitated by Bill Bellows, Ph.D., Deputy Director, The W. Edwards Deming Institute®. And Lowellyne James, Ph.D., Sustainability & CSR Insights© facilitates the Sustainability Strategy Program.

Learn more and register by following the links to each workshop.

8-9 May 2017 in London, UK

16-17 May 2017 in Edinburgh, UK

We also have several other events schedule during 2017 (and more will be added, our upcoming events page always provides our most current list).

Related: Building a Sustainable Organization Using Deming’s Ideas on ManagementSustainability as National Imperative, 2013 Deming Institute Fall Conference presentationApproaching Sustainability Using Deming’s ThinkingDeming Seminar in Hong Kong, 12 to 14 June 2014

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