Podcast with Clare Crawford-Mason Discussing Dr. Deming’s Ideas on Management

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004).

Mark Graban interviewed Clare Crawford-Mason for his Lean Blog podcast. Clare produced If Japan Can… Why Can’t We?, Deming Library video series and Good News… How Hospitals Heal Themselves.

She discussed quite a few important ideas including:

  • The value of cooperation (that is often obscured by a focus on competition)
  • Appreciation for systems
  • Looking beyond either-or thinking
  • When you try to copy management practices from another company, you don’t know what to copy

Related: Podcast with Joyce Orsini and Kevin CahillThe Essential Deming: New Book on Dr. Deming’s WorkPodcast Discussing Dr. Deming’s Ideas, The Deming Institute and Toyota

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