Deming’s Ideas in Action

Putting Deming Thinking into Practice

By Christina Dragonetti / January 25, 2024 / 0 Comments

Marty Laurent describes how he took Deming thinking into a GM plant. He adapted to meet the local conditions and, over nine years, his team achieved tremendous success. (Part 2 in a 4-part series.)

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Diagram of connections inside a computer

Deming Systems Thinking and Cyberwarfare

By Guest Post / March 3, 2023 / 0 Comments

How does Deming apply to the cybersecurity world? This guest post by Brian Barnier shows how systems thinking can help cybersecurity professionals outthink the enemy. (This is part 2 of a 2-part series.)

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Close up of a white woman's face with her mascara smeared to the sides of her eyes, holding a white piece of paper in front of her with a line drawing of a smiley mouth. The effect is a woman who is very unhappy but faking a smile for others.

Quiet Quitting From a Deming Perspective

By Christina Dragonetti / December 15, 2022 / 0 Comments

The phenomenon of “quiet quitting” (also called “employee disengagement”) is frustrating leaders and managers across industries. But looking at the problem through the Deming lens means finding workable solutions that can strengthen relationships.

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The words Plan Do Study and Act are in four quadrants of a circle with arounds pointing around each quadrant toward the next in a clockwise direction.

From “Too Tight” to “Just Right:” Improving Staff Meetings Using PDSA

By Christina Dragonetti / March 18, 2022 / 0 Comments

Our team had a common problem: weekly staff meetings were disorganized, a little frustrating, and almost always lasted longer than one hour. Like ill-fitting shoes, they served to keep our feet dry but made running difficult. Recognizing a change was needed, we turned to the process improvement tool devised by Dr. Deming: Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA).

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Trustee Steven Haedrich’s Deming Journey

By Christina Dragonetti / December 13, 2021 / 0 Comments

So many of us strive to be a force for good—for our families, businesses and communities. Dr. Deming’s teachings helped me understand how I could lead a company through crisis with compassion. That’s why I joined The Deming Institute’s Board of Trustees, to help others do the same. My Deming journey began in 1996 when, […]

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Online Resources on W. Edwards Deming’s Management Ideas

By John Hunter / October 4, 2021 / 0 Comments

Guest post by John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). There are many online resources for those looking to improve the practice of management in their organization in a way consistent with Dr. Deming’s management system. A new resource that is excellent is Digestible Deming by Christopher Chapman. If you […]

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Deming Company was Ahead of COVID-19

By Christina Dragonetti / June 1, 2020 / 0 Comments

Eight years before COVID-19 hit, Peaker Services had a Pandemic Preparedness Plan in place.

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India Fights COVID-19 with Control Charts

By Christina Dragonetti / April 28, 2020 / 0 Comments

According to how the data are being reported, it seems like the pandemic is getting worse in India, despite the lockdown. Balaji S Reddie, founder of The Deming Forum India and a member of our Advisory Council, is using control charts to set the record straight.

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“We Thinking” in India, Mexico, UK, and US

By Christina Dragonetti / April 13, 2020 / 0 Comments

#OutOfTheCrisis: Our weekly roundup of stories of hope, inspiration, and genuine collaboration in the time of COVID-19.

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Out Of The Crisis: The Deming Institute’s Response to COVID-19

By John Hunter / March 26, 2020 / 0 Comments

First and foremost, we want to express our deepest sympathy to the people and families whose health and wellbeing have been impacted by the pandemic. We also want to thank those of you on the front lines – the healthcare workers, pharmacy staff, grocery clerks, truck drivers, government workers, and other unsung heroes who are […]

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