Trustee Steven Haedrich’s Deming Journey

So many of us strive to be a force for good—for our families, businesses and communities. Dr. Deming’s teachings helped me understand how I could lead a company through crisis with compassion. That’s why I joined The Deming Institute’s Board of Trustees, to help others do the same.

My Deming journey began in 1996 when, shortly after I took over operations at New York Label & Box Works, our largest customer demanded improved quality—and lower costs. Despite our best attempts, we faltered.

I began to read everything I could find on quality, and Dr. Deming’s Out of the Crisis was a wake-up call. I quickly realized this could not be a solo mission; I needed to enlist all my employees on the same learning pathway.

The first of Dr. Deming’s 14 Points for Management is “constancy of purpose.” It’s about long-term thinking and looking at an organization as a system. By creating a shared aim, and constancy of purpose, my team came together like never before.

We prioritized purpose and values in all our business decisions. My employees were engaged in every aspect of our success.

Not only did quality improve, but so did our culture. We found ways to innovate in an industry that looked to be in decline.

My Deming journey continues twenty-five years later! The Deming philosophy challenges my team to create a more ethical and meaningful business venture.
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