“We Thinking” in India, Mexico, UK, and US

Raipur: Apex Pharma Gets PPE to Community, Government

Shankar Panjwani (top left) studied the Deming Philosophy with Balaji Reddie, founder of The Deming Forum India and member of The Deming Institute’s Advisory Council. Shankar owns the Pharma Distributor Firm, which operates under the name Apex Pharma, based out of Raipur. Since the outbreak of the pandemic in India, there has been an excessive shortage of masks and sanitizers, especially for the poor, who also lack access to educational resources to help them understand the importance and methods of preventing the spread of the disease. Apex took incredible initiative to repurpose their supply and distribution networks to get masks and other critical supplies to poor communities in Raipur as well as to the government, where people are working day in and day out. 

Thank you, Balaji Reddie, for sharing this story!

Tabasco: Healthcare Workers Use Deming on Frontlines

Eunice del R. Garcia DeLewis (left) and Dr. Rodolfo Nieto Padron (middle) are on the frontlines at Children’s Hospital in Tabasco, Mexico, working around the clock to treat patients suffering from COVID-19. Eunice has been highly instrumental in bringing Dr. Deming’s methodology to the healthcare system throughout Mexico.

Eunice also shared with us this incredible painting of Dr. Iliana Garcia from Hospital Dr. Juan Graham Casasus in Tabasco, which is being shared across social media with the hashtag #FuerzaMéxico (“Mexico Strong”). The hashtag was started after two massive earthquakes devastated the country in 2017, and it has now resurfaced as a way to share messages of hope and resilience as well as to communicate how people can help out during the current crisis.

Thank you, Eunice del R. Garcia DeLewis, for sharing this story!

London: The Science of Improvement in a Time of Crisis

Robert C. Lloyd, Ph.D., Vice President/Senior Improvement Advisor at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, shared this story on March 27:

My colleagues and I at the IHI have been redesigning our numerous workshops and seminars based on Dr. Deming’s teachings. Today, I ran a virtual workshop with participants from the Royal Free NHS Trust in London…related to building skills as an Improvement Coach through the use of the System of Profound Knowledge and API’s Model for Improvement. Today’s theme was: “ How the Science of Improvement Can Help Us In A Time Of Crisis .

The image above is a “wordle” that Dr. Lloyd created from words that workshop attendees provided when asked, “What gives you hope about the pandemic?”

Thank you, Robert Lloyd, for sharing this story!

“We Thinking” in the US

Rochester, NY: Black Button Distilling shifted gears and is turning out hand sanitizer for healthcare workers and at-risk communities. And the maker of fine clothing for over 100 years, Hickey Freeman, designed a face mask to healthcare specs and put together an army of volunteers to crank them out from home.
– Shared by Michael Bialaszewski (Thank you, Michael!)

International District, Seattle, WA: ” Three community members started a Facebook group called  Support the ID  in support of businesses in the International District in Seattle because of the effects of the Coronavirus, both economically, and racially. But as the group gathered thousands of members, the founders of the Facebook group started a  gofundme fundraiser  where all funds raised will go toward buying food from one of the small locally-owned restaurants, and then be delivered to healthcare workers at a pre-specified hospital or clinic.”
– KUOW News

Greeley, CO: A quilting group that normally sews quilts for people in need is now making masks for essential workers. The initial goal was 500 masks, but Trinity Quilters, a group of 22 ladies, has already sewn more than 700 masks in three weeks.
– The Denver Channel


Have a Story to Share? We want to hear what’s going on in your life, your organization, your community, right now, as people come together in big and small ways. Please reply to this email or share online with the hashtag #outofthecrisis.

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