Collaborating to Improve Government Performance

Guest post by John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog.

This webcast shows Phil Landesberg’s presentation, Collaborating to Improve Government Performance, at the 2015 Deming Research Seminar.

YouTube video

I have known Phil for many years having served with him on the board of the Washington DC Deming User’s group. I also worked at the Office of Secretary of Defense Quality Management Office where we brought in the experts he mentioned (Peter Scholtes, Bill Scherkenbach, Heero Hacquebord..) to help the Department of Defense improve.

In the presentation, Phil explored various aspects of the USA government with insight from Deming’s ideas.

Phil also explored discussed the value of force field analysis in change efforts. That tools can help you think about what forces will support the change effort (driving forces) and how to increase this influence after it has been identified. And also how to think about forces that will work against the change effort (restraining effort) and what strategies could be used to reduce the forces restraining the changes.

Related: Transforming the Management System of an OrganizationQuality Comes to City HallEarly History Of Management Improvement Online

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