Deming Inspired Innovation in Education

By John Hunter, founder of

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David Langford presented at our 2014 annual conference on Deming Inspired Innovation in Education.

The aim of the system of education is to provide meaningful learning experiences for youth in it’s day, for it’s future, in order to add value to society.

It is easy for me to imagine the power of focusing on meaning in education. We are naturally curious and interested in learning. The education system often beats that out of us, but if you switched the aim from grading to providing meaningful learning experiences you harness the natural desires we have to learn.

The importance of meaning is one that applies very strongly in the workplace also. As W. Edwards Deming said:

Motivation – nonsense. All that people need to know is why their work is important.

Related: Managers Should Focus on Eliminating De-motivationChange has to Start from the Top – Webcast with David LangfordAttributing Fault to the Person Without Considering the SystemA Powerful Tool: The Capacity Matrix

For more information about David’s current work, with Ingenium Schools, please visit

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