Driving Out Fear: Why and How by Doug Stilwell and Mark Lane

By John Hunter, founder of CuriousCat.com.

YouTube video

This webcast shows the presentation at our 2015 annual conference, Driving Out Fear: Why and How, by Doug Stilwell and Mark Lane. Doug Stilwell provides an overview on some of the theory and science and behind stress and fear.

And then Mark talked about what can be done to reduce fear in organizations.

I liked the focus on PDSA at Urbandale public schools that Mark shared:

You can walk into a classroom in Urbandale that is a 3-year-old pre-school classroom and you can see kids and adults engaged in PDSA, learning cycles. You can walk into an AP chemistry classroom in Urbandale and you’ll see and hear students and teachers engaged in PDSA cycles. You can walk into a senior level, district level decision-making process around a human resources issue and that is going to be built around the PDSA model.

So every stakeholder, every student, every teacher, every staff member has that reliable, predictable, PDSA model as the foundation of the work that we are doing.

This focuses people on using a good strategy to learn and improve systems. That model also aids in driving out fear by changing the common organization model of fear based direction (do what those with more power demand you do) to one where if the results need to be improved the PDSA improvement model is used to provide a standard process to find solutions that work.

Related: Current Neuroscience Understanding Related to Psychology and the Theory of KnowledgeDeming Institute podcast with Doug Stilwell, “Preparing The Soil” an Integral Part of the Learning ProcessWhere There is Fear You Do Not Get Honest FiguresManaging the Organization to Reduce FearA Powerful Tool: The Capacity Matrix

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