Theory of Knowledge: Can We Trust Our Memories?

By John Hunter, founder of Dr. Deming’s included the the theory of knowledge (how do we know that what we “know” is so) as one of the four inter-related components of his management system. How to apply an understanding of the theory of knowledge within the management system for their organization often gives people […]

Effective Communication is Explicit

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). Incomplete communication often creates problems. You often don’t have to ask why 5 times to figure out the weaknesses in communication that lead to trouble. Over and over again, most organizations find problems were created, or grew, because someone that could have […]

W. Edwards Deming Photo Gallery

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). The photo gallery on the new website for The W. Edwards Deming Institute includes quite a few photos looking back at Dr. Deming’s life. Seeing the photos from when he was younger is interesting since so many of the images (and videos) […]

Distorting the System, Distorting the Data or Improving the System

Guest post by John Hunter, founder of In Fourth Generation Management (I highly recommend this book, by the way), Brian Joiner provided an excellent summary of the options to get better “results” (as measured by the data used). The options are to: distort the system distort the data improve the system Obviously we hope […]

What Really Motivates Us?

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. The quotes of Dan Pink from the webcast are backed by decades of research and support W. Edwards Deming’s views on managing people. “We are not as endlessly manipulatable and predictable as you would think.” “Once a task called for even rudimentary cognitive skill […]

New Website for The W. Edwards Deming Institute

By John Hunter, founder of Our new website is now live. The site has a completely new design and lots of new content, photos and videos. We hope you like the new site. Please share your thoughts on the new site by adding a comment here. Some of my favorite content on the new […]

The Demands of the Enterprise on the Worker

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). From The Practice of Management by Peter Drucker, The Demands of the Enterprise on the Worker (page 268): The enterprise must expect of the worker not the passive acceptance of a physical chore, but the active assumption of responsibility for the enterprise’s […]

Tyranny of the Prevailing Style of Management

By John Hunter, author of Management Matters: Building Enterprise Capability. The Essential Deming, includes material from Dr. Deming’s letters, speeches and articles. Several are from his lectures at Fordham University, including: Tyranny of the Prevailing Style of Management (page 184-5): We’re living in prison. Under the tyranny of the prevailing style of management. A style […]

The Neuroscience of Deming

By John Hunter, founder of One of the most talked about presentations at this years annual conference for The W. Edwards Deming Institute was JW Wilson’s: The Neuroscience of Deming. The talk included a great deal of detail on neuroscience which was quite interesting. While some content may have been a bit of a […]

The W. Edward Deming Institute 2013 Annual Conference, Oct 18 – 20

By John Hunter, founder of The Annual Deming Institute Fall Conference will be held at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, USA this year. Friday, October 18 there will be an evening of networking from 6 PM to 9 PM. There will be a full day of sessions on Saturday and morning sessions on […]
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