Deming’s 14 Points for Management

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). Dr. Deming included the 14 points for management in Out of the Crisis. The 14 points provide some specific obligations that managers adopting a Deming management system must follow. Over time Dr. Deming realized these points were not as effective at communicating […]

Hallmark Building Supplies: Applying Deming as a Business Strategy

By John Hunter, founder of Louie Paynter discussed Hallmark Building Supplies’ experience in applying Deming’s management system as a business strategy at the 2012 annual W. Edwards Deming Institute conference. Louie gives great credit to Hallmark Building Supplies’ success (in applying Dr. Deming’s ideas and improving results for the business) to working with Cliff […]

Knowing How to Manage People Is the Single Most Important Part of Management

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). The Essential Deming includes (from an interview with Dr. Deming): Knowing How to Manage People Is the Single Most Important Part of Management (page 170) If factory workers are unemployed —or anyone, for that matter— it is because of bad management, and […]

Asking Questions to Initiate New Thinking

By John Hunter, founder of We are posting several short videos to provide everyone an opportunity to hear directly from Dr. Deming. It is remarkable how well the ideas he spoke of have aged even while the world has been changing rapidly. This video offers several questions that challenge us to think more deeply […]

Photos of 2013 International Deming Research Seminar

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). See more photos of 2013 International Deming Research Seminar at Fordham University on our Facebook pages.

Brian Joiner Podcast on Management, Sustainability and the Health Care System

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Joe Dager has posted another Business 901 podcast with a leading Deming management authority, this time with Brian Joiner, author of Fourth Generation Management, co-author of the Team Handbook and long time colleague of Dr. Deming. Early in Brian’s career he shared an office […]

Find a Deming Scholar MBA Student To Internship with Your Organization

By John Hunter, founder of Update: The Deming Scholar program is no longer in existence The Deming Scholar MBA students at Fordham University are looking for internship opportunities within your organization. Dr. W. Edwards Deming believed in inspiring people to think differently, ask better questions and seek new knowledge. He thought this was important […]

Podcast with Clare Crawford-Mason Discussing Dr. Deming’s Ideas on Management

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). Mark Graban interviewed Clare Crawford-Mason for his Lean Blog podcast. Clare produced If Japan Can… Why Can’t We?, Deming Library video series and Good News… How Hospitals Heal Themselves. She discussed quite a few important ideas including: The value of cooperation (that […]

Video Introduction to Dr. W. Edwards Deming

By John Hunter, founder of This video has been added to The W. Edwards Deming Institute YouTube channel. The video provides some history on Dr. Deming and his ideas on management. We hope you enjoy this short look at Dr. W. Edwards Deming’s life. Related: Inspection is too late: the quality, good or bad, […]

Where There is Fear You Do Not Get Honest Figures

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Fear invites wrong figures. Bearers of bad news fare badly. To keep his job, anyone may present to his boss only good news. W. Edwards Deming, page 94, The New Economics Using data to make decisions is important to effective management. But using data […]
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