Using Deming’s Management Ideas to Reduce Violence in Prison

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. In the last post we began to look at the efforts to improve the Maine State Prison. The efforts to adopt a management strategy and practices guided by an understanding of Dr. Deming’s management system are hampered by the overall management system. This is […]

Applying Deming’s Management Ideas at the Maine State Prison

By John Hunter, founder of Jon Parker learned about Deming’s management ideas while serving in the United States Navy. The Navy had a huge effort to use Deming’s ideas (under the Total Quality Leadership) in order to improve performance, especially during the 1980’s and 1990’s. After leaving the Navy Jon went to work at […]

Sustainability as National Imperative

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Mark ‘Puck’ Mykleby, USMC Colonel (Ret.), Senior Fellow, New America Foundation and co-author of A National Strategic Narrative. Mark provided a very large global systems view of where we are and the future we face. From the largest macro systems risks can be seen […]

Application of Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge in Healthcare

This paper discusses the Healthcare Value Network’s Shingo-based assessment process (which has Deming-based principles) and provides examples of application from some of the Healthcare Value Network member organizations.

Brian Joiner Discussing His Career

By John Hunter, founder of In a previous post, Approaching Sustainability Using Deming’s Thinking, where you see Brian Joiner in the video (he and Andrew KcKeon were on the same panel). In this video Brian discusses his career including how he meet Dr. Deming and some personal anecdotes. I like, and share his sentiment […]

Knowledge About Psychology for Managers, from Dan Ariely

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). One of the four cornerstones of Dr. Deming’s management system is an understanding of psychology. Dr. Deming continued to learn and adapt based on the latest research and what to continually improve his ideas on management. To stay true to his vision, […]

Approaching Sustainability Using Deming’s Thinking

By John Hunter, founder of Excerpt from panel discussion on Deming and Sustainability with Andrew KcKeon at the 2013 Deming Institute Fall Conference. Andrew mentions Clayton Christensen’s work with the innovators dilemma which I also think is very worthwhile. Andrew also says: Systems thinking and addressing sustainability is the end of externalities. Because what […]

Deming Seminar in Hong Kong, 12 to 14 June 2014

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. The W. Edwards Deming Institute is presenting our 2 1/2 day seminar, The Deming Management Method for Owners and Executives in Hong Kong from 12 to 14 June 2014. The host for the Hong Kong seminar is the Hong Kong Quality Assurance Agency. Enjoy […]

Lessons From the Red Bead Experiment with Dr. Deming

By John Hunter, founder of The lessons that can be illustrated using the Red Bead experiment are too many to include in this post. But we can touch on a few of the ideas. The value of the Red Bead Experiment is to provide focus to your thinking. It is hard to believe what […]

The Red Bead Experiment with Dr. W. Edwards Deming

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. The Red Bead Experiment is an activity Dr. Deming included in his 4 day seminars. The webcast shows excerpts of Dr. Deming carry out the Red Bead Experiment with participants from the audience. Dr. Deming used the Red Bead Experiment to clearly and dramatically […]
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