Images for Quotes by W. Edwards Deming

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. We have added images to our W. Edwards Deming quote web site. Each quote has two image styles to chose from. And the images include a link to the page on our web site that provides context for the quote along with links to […]

The Most Popular Videos on The W. Edwards Deming Institute You Tube Channel

By John Hunter, founder of The most popular videos on The W. Edwards Deming Institute You Tube channel are, not surprisingly, those with Dr. Deming in them. The videos with the most views since they have been added are: Dr. Deming – The 5 Deadly Diseases (1984): 104,715 views (added 6 years ago). W. […]

Reflections from Dr. Deming on a Foundation for Leading

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Presentation by Bill Bellows at our 2014 annual conference – The End of Perfection: Reflections from Dr. Deming on a Foundation for Leading improvement efforts could be advanced by acknowledging self imposed restrictions on our thinking Bill discussed how seeking to eliminate defects (zero […]

Applying a Model for Small Business Continual Improvement

Guest post by Luciana Paulise, see part 1 of these thoughts: Applying Deming Principles at Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. How to apply the model   The SME deck is to be developed in two months, with weekly two hours meetings, on-line or face-to-face depending on the location of my clients. After the two months, extra […]

Applying Deming Principles at Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

SMED your SME journey applying Deming principles – guest post by Luciana Paulise How to build succesful business right the first time For more than 10 years now I have been helping people to develop their own Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME). As a graduate with a degree in business, at first, I helped students […]

Deming Podcast with Scott Dalgleish, CEO at Phase IV Engineering

By John Hunter, founder of Scott Dalgleish is the CEO at Phase IV Engineering Scott first encountered Deming’s ideas while an engineer at Proctor & Gamble in 1986. Deming training was rolled out to us. I thought it was a really wonderful thing. It provided some very innovative and realistic solutions to solve a […]

Online Resources for Exploring the Ideas of W. Edwards Deming

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. There are many online resources for those looking to improve the practice of management in their organization in a way consistent with Dr. Deming’s management system. The W. Edwards Deming Institute maintains several online resources: The W. Edwards Deming Institute web site, which includes […]

Driving Out Fear: Why and How by Doug Stilwell and Mark Lane

By John Hunter, founder of This webcast shows the presentation at our 2015 annual conference, Driving Out Fear: Why and How, by Doug Stilwell and Mark Lane. Doug Stilwell provides an overview on some of the theory and science and behind stress and fear. And then Mark talked about what can be done to […]

The Deming Management Method by Mary Walton

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. The Deming Management Method by Mary Walton was a book that served to introduce many to the ideas of W. Edwards Deming. The book was published in 1988. Dr. Deming wrote an introduction to the book, including these words: In the decade after the […]

Process Behavior Charts are the Secret to Understanding the Organization as a System

By John Hunter, founder of The W. Edwards Deming Institute podcast with Dr. Sophronia (Frony) Ward, Managing and Founding Partner of Pinnacle Partners, Process Behavior Charts are the Secret to Understanding the Organization as a System (direct download), is another in our understanding variation series. Frony discusses the importance of Statistical Process Control (SPC) […]
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