Deming’s Management Ideas Evolved Into the System of Profound Knowledge

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). W. Edwards Deming spent decades refining his thoughts on management and refining how to present those thoughts. That thinking culminated in what he called the System of Profound Knowledge (SoPK). When people think of Dr. Deming, they often think of the use […]

Lean Blog Podcast with Kevin Cahill

By John Hunter, founder of Lean Blog Podcast #238 – Kevin Cahill, on his Grandfather, W. Edwards Deming (download). Quote from Kevin in the podcast: Somebody at any level does have some sphere of influence that they can impact… by just thinking from a systems standpoint, by looking at the organization differently than some […]

Is There Hope…? An Introduction to Deming’s Management Ideas by Eric Budd

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). Eric Budd’s presentation, Is There Hope…?, at our 2015 annual conference. In Eric’s presentation he frequently asked the attendees to think and discuss or write down their ideas related to the ideas he was presenting. It is very valuable to have those […]

Deming in Education: 2-Day Seminar in Seattle, 11 – 12 March 2016

By John Hunter, founder of A Deming in Education 2-Day Seminar will be facilitated by David Langford in Seattle, 11 – 12 March 2016 Be a part of our first Deming In Education Initiative Seminar The Deming Institute presents a two-day interactive seminar and hands-on introduction to the Deming Method. Led by David Langford, […]

Our 10 Most Popular Posts in 2015

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. The most popular post on our blog this year: Myth: If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Manage It (2015) What’s Deming Got to Do With Agile Software Development and Kanban (2013) 2014 Deming Prize Awardees (2014) Dr. Deming Called for the Elimination of […]

Chinese Language Edition of Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. The Deming Institute has arranged to have a Chinese language version of W. Edwards Deming’s classic, Out of the Crisis, published. You may order the book online. An excerpt from the forward (by Kevin Cahill and Kelly Allan) to this new Chinese edition of […]

Data is Important and You Must Confirm What the Data Actually Says

By John Hunter, author of Management Matters: Building Enterprise Capability. “Change the rule and you will get a new number.” Attributed to W. Edwards Deming.  The direct quote is from The New Economics. “If you change the rule for counting people, you come up with a new number.” Dr. Deming emphasized the importance of understanding what […]

Podcast with Lynda Finn: The Value of the Simple Run Chart

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Lynda Finn, President of Statistical Insight and facilitator for The Deming Institute. Download the podcast with Linda: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Data Points. This podcast is the first episode of our “Knowledge In Variation Series.” Lynda discusses the importance of moving from […]

Reactions to “If Japan Can, Why Can’t We”

By John Hunter, founder of We recently announced the availability of the 1980 NBC News special report, “If Japan Can, Why Can’t We,” that introduced Dr. Deming to the USA business community. Many people have enjoyed viewing that program. Here we collect some of the reactions that have been posted online. If Japan Can, […]

Help Bring Joy to Learning, Joy in Life

Give by 28 December 2015 to double your gift! Joy in learning comes not so much from what is learned, but from learning. Joy on the job comes not so much from the result…but from contribution to optimization of the system in which everybody wins. – W. Edwards Deming Do you remember the joy of […]
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