process thinking | 6 Comments
|The “Small Jumps” of Change
Guest post by Doug Stilwell, Drake University. There are indeed many reasons change efforts fail. But we can avoid one of those reasons by taking “small jumps;” breaking down important change/improvement efforts into manageable and measurable steps so that the daunting size and complexity of initiatives are not the cause of failure.
Continual Improvement | 2 Comments
|Reflection and Getting to Work on Improvement
Guest post by John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). The start of a new year is a good excuse to take stock of how things are going and think about what improvements you could work on. Those reading this blog could frame that in relation to how things are […]
Deming Community
|The Most Viewed Videos on Our YouTube Channel
Guest post by John Hunter, author of Management Matters: Building Enterprise Capability. We created The W. Edwards Deming Institute You Tube channel over 11 years ago. Since then, tens of thousands of people have enjoyed and learned from the videos we have posted. Unsurprisingly, those with W. Edwards Deming in them are the most viewed. […]
Psychology, Psychology, respect for people
|Emotions In The Workplace
Guest post by John Hunter, founder of the This interview on NPR, How To Harness The Power Of Emotions In The Workplace, provides some good thoughts on psychology in the workplace. There is often much more focus on the data part of W. Edwards Deming’s ideas, and while using data to understand and improve […]
Deming Philosophy, Psychology | 11 Comments
|I See You
Guest Post by Dr. Doug Stilwell, Drake University. During this time of COVID-driven isolation and loneliness, and the accompanying challenges to mental health, finding and operationalizing systematic methods to help people belong and recognize their sense of belonging - even after COVID is over - may be more important than ever for leaders to address.
Appreciation for a System, systems thinking
|Ackoff on Leadership and Transformation
Guest post by John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). This is the first video from a day with Russell Ackoff presentation (from 2004). As always, Dr. Ackoff does a great job of providing insight in an easy to listen to package. We are lucky to be able to so […]
Deming Today, Education | 4 Comments
|From Flat to Round: Is Educational Transformation Possible?
In this guest post by Dr. Doug Stilwell, Doug shares a real-life case study of the successful transformation of a classroom and its teacher; a transformation that resulted in improved student engagement, parent satisfaction, and learning outcomes.
Deming Community
|2020 Deming Prize Winners
Guest post by John Hunter, author of Management Matters: Building Enterprise Capability. The Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) has announced the 2020 Deming Prize winners. One of the good aspects about how the Deming Prize is managed is that each year it is awarded to those found worthy. There are no minimum or […]
Customer Focus, Deming on Management
|Deming on Management: Customer Focus
Guest post by John Hunter, founder of the Our Deming on Management series provides resources for those interested in learning more about particular topics related to W. Edwards Deming’s ideas. View our previous Deming on Management posts, including: leadership, psychology and the PDSA cycle. As I stated in Creating a Deep Commitment to Delighting […]
|Deming Institute Podcast: Deming Guide to Layoffs
Guest post by John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). The Deming Institute Podcast is hosted by Tripp Babbitt. A recent podcast looked at the Dr. W. Edwards Deming Guide to Layoffs. what Dr. Deming said about layoffs and downsizing, that if you face a decline, that there’s five steps […]