Overview and Status of The W. Edwards Deming Institute

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Kevin Cahill, Executive Director of The W. Edwards Deming Institute provided an overview and status of the Institute at our last annual conference. Kevin mentioned our updated web site, our presence on various social media sites and the quote web site we created last […]

Using Deming’s Ideas – When Your Organization Doesn’t

You see things through the Deming Lens - but your boss/co-workers/team/board do not. What can you do?

The Influence of C. I. Lewis on Walter Shewhart and W. Edwards Deming

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). W. Edwards Deming had a large and varied collection of influences. One of the most difficult for people to grasp is C.I. Lewis. The ideas Dr. Deming drew from the work of C.I. Lewis provide one of the ways his ideas on […]

Ravi Roy on Teaching Deming’s Ideas at Southern Utah University

In this Deming Institute podcast, Deming Fellow Ravi Roy discusses teaching Deming's ideas at Southern Utah University.

Using Checklists to Reduce Process Variation and Improve Results

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande is a wonderful book about how to create systems that work. At the core the Checklist Manifesto is about determining the critical process conditions and creating a system to assure that the those process items are properly handled. […]

Updated W. Edwards Deming Institute Web Site

By John Hunter, founder of We have launched an updated web site for The W. Edwards Deming Institute. The new site offers much better usability when using a smart phone and has an updated design. We have added several new features to the site to aid those seeking to apply Deming’s ideas. I expect […]

Case Study: Adopting a Deming Management System in a Service Company

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog. Total Quality Management in Logistics: a case study from the trucking industry by Harry Lehman, Jr. (a thesis at the Naval Postgraduate School). The thesis aims to study the practical aspects of implementing a W. Edwards Deming-based quality program within a particular trucking company, […]

Transforming the Management System of an Organization

By John Hunter, founder of In response to our request asking what topics readers would like to see addressed on our blog, Dan Bracewell said: I’d like to see some posts about how to implement change in an organization. How does one get an organization to start looking at itself as a system? How […]

Industrial Statistics – Research vs Practice

By John Hunter, author of the Curious Cat Management Improvement Blog (since 2004). 2013 American Statistical Association (ASA) Deming Lecture: Industrial Statistics – Research vs Practice by Vijay Nair, University of Michigan. In his talk Dr. Nair referenced the article, W. Edwards Deming: The Story ofa Truly Remarkable Person, by Robert B. Austenfeld. He also […]

Applying Understanding of Variation to Large Datasets

By John Hunter, founder of Understanding Variation by Thomas Nolan, Rocco J. Perla and Lloyd Provost. There have been large changes in the use of data since the publication of Understanding Variation, by Thomas Nolan and Lloyd Provost. The new article discusses how to use an understanding of variation when working with large datasets […]
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